One Shot

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What?! Jade shouts at the paparazzi calling for her, the paparazzi walk away from her quickly before she could hurt one of them.

Jade keeps walking her way to her car getting in and driving to Starbucks to buy her coffee. At Starbucks Jade parks her car and locks it entering the coffee store ordering her black coffee with 2 sugars trying to keep discreet but it doesn't takes long till she's surrounded by lots of fans.

Jade! You're my idol! Thank you for showing me that it's not bad to be a coldhearted person. Some random girl says.

Alright. Guys I have to go. Jade tells.

Wait Jade! Can you take a photo with me? Another fan asks.

I have to hurry. Jade simply replies trying not to be rude with her fans.

Please Jade. The fan begs.

If I take one I gotta take with the rest dude and I don't have the time. Jade says starting to find her way through the crowd of fans.

We love you Jade! The fans shout watching as Jade walks out the coffee store.

Jade enters her car with the coffee in her hand. Jade puts the coffee in the cups support of her car and drives home. As Jade parks the car in her garage, she locks the car getting out of the vehicle with her coffee.

She has been feeling nauseous lately and sick but she hasn't gone to the Hospital, she hated being at an Hospital. Suddenly Jade feels the sickness coming again and rushes to the toilet.

I should go to the Hospital. Jade thinks to herself.

Jade finishes throwing up and goes to her vehicle and drives to the Hospital. Arriving at the Hospital Jade enters and walks to the information desk.

Hello, I need to see a doctor. Jade says.

What's your name? The nurse asks.

Jade West. Jade replies.l as the nurse takes notes of her name.

Please wait in the waiting room till you're called. The nurse tells and Jade nods walking to the waiting room and waits for her name to be called.

Jade West. Her name echoes through the waiting room and she gets up as the doctor shows up at the waiting room making her follow him.

Good afternoon Miss West. The doctor says How can I help you?

I've been feeling nauseous and sick lately and I don't know what's wrong g with me. Jade explains.

Well, I need to do some examinations. The doctor tells.

Alright. Jade agrees.

The doctor makes a few examinations on her and tells Jade to wait in the waiting room till the examination results come.

*Meanwhile with Beck*

Beck is home with his girlfriend, she is all over him but he keeps ignoring her because he couldn't get Jade out of his head.

What is wrong with you Beck? His girlfriend, Zoey, asks.

Nothing, there's just a lot going on in my head right now. Beck tells.

Is that a lot going on your head mean your ex girlfriend Jade? Zoey asks mad.

No. Beck lies.

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