fin [author's note]

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I wrote most of this in about an hour or so, so I apologize. yes it is weird/messed up/whatever. yes, it's supposed to be that way. again I apologize

to those compelled enough to read this far: you are awesome

so yeah, this was based off of a song. for those who didn't already guess, just peel your eyes to the side

the song it was based on is one of my favorites, and the story is just something I kind if imagine when I listen to it. if I had the ability to make a cartoon video for it, I probably would've gone that route, but I couldn't make a cartoon fo shiz. oh well

thanks for readin, y'all <3


btw, I've dedicated the first chapter to fairygarden because she actually drew me a comic for this, and it's pretty effin amazing. she's still in the process, but it you would like to check it out it's in the external link

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