A Ghostly Kind of Love~Justin Bieber&Jason McCann Ghost Love Story~

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Moving into a new house was enough....

Who knew i'd fall in love with a ghost there?

Yes, He's a ghost, but not for long. He got killed for being a bomber, but he's happy now.

His Name Is Jason. Jason McCann, and he helps me with everything. He follows me almost everywhere and talks to me like he's actually alive.

He helps me with my little siblings, he helps me with my divorced parents, he heps me with my abusive boyfriend...

Yes, abusive.... My boyfriend's name is Justin Bieber. Not one thing special about him... he hurts me, alot. He's always telling me to get him a sandwich, do his laundry, run him a bath, get him a beer....

If i didnt have Jason, Justin would have killed me by now... Sad, right?

Well... its the summer and both of my parents are going out of the country for buisness. Ironic, huh?

So i'm in charge of my little brothers, Tanner and Tyler, Both age 3, Twins. And my Baby sister, Makenna, Age 2 months, Newborn.

Soooo... thats the story with me so far! Makenna is crying so i gatta go!


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