14 - loneliness

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he was gone. phil was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.

it was all a big blur. he only remembers pj mentioning the name and him getting angry. it wasn't his fault that the name brought back years of darkness that he'd been trying to repress.

pj had probably told phil by now, and if that was the case, then he doubted that he would ever get to see phil again.

he'd spent the rest of that day mourning the loss of the only new relationship he'd formed in years, before finally going to bed. unfortunately, he lay there, wide awake for hours, unable to quiet the depressing thoughts racing around his mind. all he'd wanted was to be normal, and phil made him feel like he really was.

it felt like years later when his alarm went off.

he quickly showered, dressed, ate breakfast and left the house. he briefly wondered how likely it would be to see phil today.

but london was massive and it didn't happen.

it is around 1 o'clock when he finally arrives at his destination. it is a bit further out of london than his own flat. a quaint pale blue coloured house with a white door and a well kept garden.

he is about to ring the doorbell when the door swings open, making him laugh.

"danny!" squeals a teenage girl with bouncy curls as she pulls dan by the hand and makes him enter the house.

"amelia," dan says, following the dark skinned girl.

"hello, dan," greets her father, a short man named andy. he has the same bright green eyes as amelia, his daughter. "we were just about to have lunch, amelia already set out a plate for you."

dan isn't surprised at this, because he knows amelia can see into the future. it is an absurd talent that is more useful than anything dan could do with his telekinesis.

"you probably already know what i came to ask andy about, don't you?" dan asks amelia, sitting at his place at the table.

she grins knowingly. "i haven't told andy yet."

at that moment another teenage girl walks into the room. she is strawberry blonde with blue eyes and around the same height as amelia.

"sophie, this is dan, he's dad's friends," she pauses probably anticipating what will happen next. "he's telekinetic."

dan's mouth fell open. this girl he didn't even know knew more about dan than most of the people in his life.

amelia laughs. "don't worry dan, it's ok. sophie won't say anything."

"amelia," andy scolds lightly. "what did i tell you about not answering people's questions before they ask them."

"ugh, ok. i'll let her ask next time."

sophie laughs, lightly slapping amelia's shoulder. "you're ridiculous," she says lovingly, before turning to dan. "hi, i'm soph, nice to meet you."

dan shakes her hand, still in the middle of trying to get a grasp of the situation.

"so, dan, what is it you wanted to talk about?" andy asks as he puts a tray of fish and chips in the middle of the table and everyone helps themselves.

dan pauses, wondering if he should share in front of sophie.

"go on, dan, it will be okay."

"well, a while back my-" dan gulps, "friend fell out of a window on the third floor, but he got no injuries apart from cuts from the glass. he thought i caught him with my telekinesis, but that's not possible because i wasn't looking at him when he fell, and anyway, me telekinesis is usually faulty around him. and then the other day he made me fly him around the room and everything was going fine, but then the doorbell rang and i dropped him. but he said it felt like he fell on a cloud."

"and have you ever dropped anyone else before?" andy asked leaning forward.

"yeah, i've dropped my sister before, and she complained that it really hurt."

suddenly amelia squealed. everyone turned to her quizzically.

"sorry," she apologises to andy. "it's just that your answer is really cute."

"amelia, you can't--," andy begins to chastise her once again.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, continue."

"dan, what you're describing is very familiar to both amelia and i. if my wife was here i would be able to show you."

"what?" dan asks, eating another chip.

"you have two forms of telekinesis, yes?"

"yeah, voluntary and involuntary."

"exactly. voluntary telekinesis happens when you concentrate very hard on moving an object and involuntary is triggered by a very strong emotion," andy says, his smile growing. "and you don't have to be looking at the thing you're moving, right?"

"yeah like if i'm really angry, all the windows would smash by themselves."

"precisely," andy says with a grin. dan wished he could see the connection earlier so that they could all stop staring at him like he was stupid.

"and this is related how?" dan asks.

"they say love is the strongest emotion of all."

dan doesn't speak for a moment, watching as the puzzle pieces click into place.

yes, it made sense. sure dan has been avoiding thinking about it for ages, but he knows the truth deep down, he loves phil.

just thinking about phil's laugh, about phil's eyes, phil's pathetic jokes made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"so you're saying..." dan trails off, still confused by the discovery.

"when people with a power find their soulmates, they'll usually find that their power will be doing everything it can to keep that person around."

"so you're saying that..."

"i think you've found your soulmate, dan."

the situation managed to simultaneously be obvious and completely the opposite of what dan had thought.

phil is his soulmate?!

it was starting to sound stranger and stranger every time dan repeated the phrase in his head.

phil is his soulmate.

he's spent ages alone, and now...

phil is his soulmate, and yet dan was still alone.

dan had to do something. he had to get phil back.

a/n - second last chapter. please vote and tell me what you thought :))


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