Friday Pt. 1

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*Niquea's POV*

I was awoken to the sound of my drunk mother waking me up.

"Getcho ahh up out that fucking bed hoe you ain't sleep!!" she yelled. And with that she left out of my sister and my room. I sat up in my bed as my feet hit the cold wooden floor. I got up limping still not fully awoken yet. I walked down the hoarded hallway and went into the bathroom. One of the cleanest rooms in this house my siblings and I kept clean. I started my normal day off with a splash of cold water on my face. While drying my face with my big towel I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes for today. I chose some camouflage jeggings, a black tight spaghetti shirt, Retro Air Jordan 3's that were black and cement grey, my grey blazer, black and grey accessories, my Nicki Minaj perfume, and I got my black a cement grey nail polish. As I got done gathering my things, I went into the bathroom and sat them on the toilet seat. I started the shower and got it at the temperature I was comfortable with and got in. I took a 10-15 minute shower then got out and dried off and put on some lotion and got dressed. I wiped the mirror filled with cracks but I seen myself perfectly clear somehow. I straightened my hair and combed my Chinese bang out where it belonged and when I was satisfied with my hair I left it alone. After that, I brushed my teeth and mouthwash and flossed and made sure they were pearly white. I applied a little eyeliner and mascara and added my black lipstick which I looked AMAZING in. I painted my nails and I had to admit, I looked gorgeous as fuck!! After I gave myself a final look and blew a kiss to myself. Today was Friday which is also the BIG DATE!! I'm so excited about tonight. I was also happy because today my siblings and I get our monthly allowance from dad which the four of us get $400.00 each. Our biological mother knows absolutely nothing about. We're trying to save enough to move out on our 18th birthday. We've been saving this money since grandma died so we have about $5,600.57 cents. I bet you're like "How do you know this??" Well every time we save I count how much we have because I'm the more responsible person, and I keep up with important things like that. Its in a safe no one but God, us 4, and my dad know about it. Its hidden in his house somewhere she would never get her hands on. We keep at least $150.00 on us for emergency purposes. Anyway off that topic, I went to wake up my sister so she could hurry up and get ready, and then my brothers.ou

"Rieka!! Wake up we only have an hour and a half until we have to be at school so get your ass up and get ready!!" I yelled at her. She threw a pillow at my face then I pulled her out her bed and went to the bathroom to get a cup filled with cold water. As I returned I tip-toed my way towards her and threw the water in her face. "NIQUEA' WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR GOT DAMN PROBLEM?!" She yelled at me wiping the water from her eyes so she could see. "Well I told yo ass to get up and I meant it. So get the fuck up off that floor and get ready nigga!!" I yelled back. "Okay okay! I'm up. HAPPY?!" She said. "Very!!" I said with a smirk. "Fuck you." She mumbled. "I LOVE YOU, TOO!!" I yelled as walking out the room to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and a fork and a pack of beef roman noodles and popped them in the microwave. As I waited 6 minutes for my noodles I put the sauce on them and ate them. Afterwards I grabbed a plastic sack and placed it on the pissy couch and sat down and turned on the TV to watch the news. Nothing really important was on except the weather its going to be 69F and 49C. I was happy than a motherfucker, too. As I was so caught into the news, my brothers and sister came downstairs fully dressed. "Niquea' are you ready?" Rieka, Rico, and Nico said at the same time in union. "Yeah, let's go." I said. As we were walking out the door on our block all the hoes were out with shorts revealing half of their ass. These hoes deserve no respect. The ratchet hood queen and her little follower came up to my brothers trying to holla I guess. "Heyyyyyyyy Rico and Nico!!" Sharkeisha said. "Hey." They said as we kept on walking to the subway. "So y'all acting funny.. I see." Her friend Tykeasia said. "BITCH!! THEY DON'T WANT YO TWO DOLLAR WHORING ASS SO LEAVE THEM ALONE BECAUSE WE TRYING TO GET AN EDUCATION TO MAKE SOMETHING OF OURSELVES INSTEAD OF BEING A LOW LIFE HOODRAT!! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO ON ABOUT YO BUSINESS YOU WHORE!!" I yelled and took my brothers hands and stormed down the street down the sidewalk to the subway. "DAMNNNN! She told you." Tykeasia said. "She told yo ass too so shut the hell up!!" Sharkeisha yelled embarrassed as hell. "This isn't over Niquea'!" She yelled and stomped away along with her follower behind.

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