Letter tag!!

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Okay so im gonna tag someone in this because i truly would love to see them do this.

So the tag thing is that you tag at least one person for it and that person picks three people on wattpad who have benefited and made their lives better. Once you find three, write a small letter and post it.

Here are my three

Dear -chasing_galaxie

You, my love, are amazing, loving, beautiful, adorable, gosh i just love you. You just make my days better and i always seem to smile when we talk. This things that we have, is more than just being best friends and a cinnamon roll and her beautiful lovely, this is different. What we share is so much more and i cherish this so damn much. I love you, Babe. 

                                                                                       Love Maddie.

Dear SirKittyYuki,

 Ive known you a short while but yet you still know me more than some of my friends, who I've known for years, know me. I love you dearly. We are a support system, we are there for each other and thats something special. Not everyone has what we have. I love you, Yuki. We're in it for the long run.

                                                                                   Love Maddie

Now picking one person is actually pretty hard for me and if you want i can and will do this as much as i am in it. 

Dear EpicfirefliesForever and Theawesomefox1,

     I couldn't just pick one of you sp I'm just gonna pick both of you. You guys make me feel honestly so damn loved and welcome. You both will go far, so far, i can see it now. My lovelies, I'm proud of you beautiful people, i love you guys and think highly of you. I hope  i can somehow repay the happiness you guys have given me.

                                                                           Love Maddie

I tag -chasing_galaxiesSirKittyYukiTheawesomefox1 and 

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