Home Help

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Home Help 

Millie Christian had been sitting in her chair since early, staring into the darkness. When Ralph was at work that is what she always did. 

Just after dawn she rose from her seat, turned down the radio and listened. She was sure she'd heard a delivery truck pull up. Lifting the curtain up she could see the brightly coloured vehicle had pulled up right outside. On its side was blazoned the logo. 

''Made to Order 

Maid for You'' 

Looking round the cul de sac she could see Mrs Anders curtains twitching. She hoped the other neighbours were watching too. She gathered up her best coat, walked up the drive and nervously flustered around the rear door of the truck. 

'Don't you bother yourself Mrs Christian, we'll bring her in. All part of the service!' One of the deliverymen winked cheekily at her. 

They bought her into the lounge and stood there while Millie did the checks. 

'My husband said I need to check her properly before I accept delivery.' 

'No problems Mrs Christian you've paid a lot of money. Most customers like to check there's no damage before they accept delivery.' The cheery one said. He stepped forward and took the robe off Rachael's shoulders and stepped back. 

Millie checked her over carefully to the original documentation. Five foot eleven, twenty eight inch waist, auburn hair, grey eyes. No scratches, bumps or scuffs on the body. Just as her husband had instructed. 

She signed the docket. 

'There's a thirty day money back guarantee as well Mrs Christian. We've put all her accessories in her room. There's a few more in the boxes here. She's fully self-functioning so nothing to do other than to enjoy your purchase. Oh her name's Rachael by the way. You can call her anything you want of course. We'll leave you to it.' 

Millie sat in her arm chair and stared at Rachael for a few moments. 'Why don't you put some clothes on?' 

'Yes ma'am.' Rachael opened one of the boxes and held up two dresses. 'I come with two dresses ma'am, the red or the black. If you want more you have to purchase them from the company's store in town.' 

Millie felt the materials. They were cheap synthetics, a bit disappointing considering how much they'd paid for Rachael. 'The red I think. When my husband gets back he can take you into town and pick up something for tonight.' 

'Yes ma'am.' Rachael slid the dress over her head. 

Millie sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while. 

A thought popped into her head.  

'You know where your room is?' She asked Rachael as brightly as she could. 

'Yes ma'am. The delivery men pointed it out.' 

Millie sat for a few moments more and then stood to turn the radio up. 

Rachael stepped forward, 'I can do that ma'am. You just have to ask. Is there anything you need me to do for tonight?' 

Millie was relieved. 'Ah yes. I have a little party tonight, I'm bringing some friends round to see... meet you. You can read can't you?' 

'Yes ma'am.' 

'I've written some poetry. You can read it to everyone. If that's alright?' 

'Yes ma'am.'

'She looks good.' Ralph walked around Rachael a few times. 'Did you check her over properly?' 

'Yes Ralph she's perfect. Just what we wanted.' Millie clapped her hands together. 'The neighbours are going to be so impressed aren't they? Can you take her into town and pick up a decent dress? That one looks too cheap for tonight.' 

'No problem,' said Ralph. 'This will impress them down at the mall.'

The phone rang. Millie rose from her chair where she had had been sitting for some time waiting for Ralph to return. 'Millie Christian.' 

'It's Ralph Millie. There's been an accident.' Ralphs voice as always sounded flat.  

'Are you alright?'  

'I am but Rachael's been hit by a car. I'm sorry Millie but she's irreparable. Can you get on to the insurance company to see if we can make a claim?' 

Millie made the calls and then sat back down in her chair. It was getting dark. The whole day had been quite draining. She opened the drawer of the bureau next to her and pulled out a bundle of wires. The insurance company had approved the claim, after all accidents happen and luckily they had a protected scheme. 

She'd phoned the company that had supplied Rachael and asked about a replacement. The lead time was, as before twenty three years, if they were to supply a replacement to their original specification. 'Had she considered a canine puppy? They could do one to order in four months?' 

She sat back, pushed the adaptor into the back of her neck and flipped on the power.  

Staring into the darkness she considered the options. 

Human or canine? She'd have to ask Ralph when he got home.

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