Larger than life

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A few days have passed since I received a mail from Dortmund HQ. I'm not going to lie, I 'm quite nervous. My mission to ask Mark hasn't happened yet. I know it has to happen eventually but I'm not sure if he will agree. Okay, head up, I need to do that today. It's now or never. Think I should probably go out for a drink with him and discuss like grown people. Elena wouldn't mind.

 Amy(on phone): „Hey Mark! I was wondering if we could go out for a drink, I really need to ask you something.“

 Mark(on phone): „Sure, darling. If it's really important, then I'm up for it. Besides, I need a time off today. I've been working non-stop surrounded with...people. You know how annoyed I can get sometimes being around random people.“

 Amy(on phone): „Aww bless. So, I called in the right time, eh? See you down in pub in Baker St., the usual one?

 Mark(on phone): „Yes, indeed. I definitely need a pint!

 Amy(on phone): „Same. Btw. are you sure Elena wouldn't mind or I have to invite her in case something gets suspicious?“

 Mark(on phone): „Wait what? Why would she mind? What are you saying? Is there something I don't know?“

 Amy(on phone): „Naah, at all. So, see you in an hour?“

 Mark(on phone): „ Uh-huh. Well, see you then.“

 Phew. That was close. Although, he didn't sound so convinced. What if I have to explain the whole situation with Elena? Let's hope not. Although I can sometimes really on him more than on my best friends. At least, he knows something about these job offers and now that I'm sure of it, I can't wait for my interview. Let's hope I'll get to meet some players on my first day and get to know them better. The only recent news I've heard is that a young lad Mario Götze belongs to Bayern now.

An hour later...

Amy: „Thank you for coming, Mark. Now there's an important thing I'd like to tell you and to ask you. First of all, I booked an interview with Borussia Dortmund, they agreed on that. However, we need to move to Germany, at least for my interview. We were wondering if you could go with us, just for a few days.“

 Mark: „First of all, congrats. Second of all who's we? Are Elena and Linda coming too? Elena is my best friend, we're like unbreakable, but I'm not sure about this. I've got a lot to do as well.

 Amy:“ Why thank you. Yes they are, that's why Elena needs...erm, we need you there. To support me and to take a few days off.“ (Oh what have I done)

 Mark: „I still think there's something you want to tell me as well. Hmm maybe that's a good idea. Besides, England wouldn't fall without me there,“ (see what I did there)

 Amy: „Nooo, everything's..fine. And yes, consider that as a vacation.“

 Mark: „You know how unwell I get with vacations, but at least I'll get to mock some people there as I usually do. And to look after you of course.“ (Jeez, is there anything you like?)

 Amy: „No mocking. I know you too well. You would just make people cry with your comments on their inteligence.“

 Mark: „Won't be easy, you know. All in all, I'm up for it.“

 Amy: „Great. I think my interview will be around the same time as Oktoberfest in Munich. How about we just go for a pint one day too?

 Mark: „You know I'm always up for a pint. But anyway, I have to go, too much useless people waiting for me. My brain need a 6 month vacation, twice a year.“

 Amy: „Oh lord. Just don't do anything stupid back there. Take it easy. Anyway, I have to go as well. Need to tell the girl my exciting news. Bye.“

 The day has finally come. It's time for Elena,Linda,Mark and me to leave England for a while and enjoy our time in Germany (well at least I hope so). The trip was nice, we went by a plane. I'm standing in Dortmund, the very heart of German football and so many thoughts are going through my mind right now. As I'm walking through the lovely streets, there are BVB billboards everywhere. Tomorrow's my interview and I just hope I do good. I'll finally be able to show my theory that not every player is a spoilt brat. The day ended really fast, so we decided to watch a really good movie in our hotel. Mark being Mark, he couldn't control himself and had to go around mocking people. He was recognized quite a lot too. Well, it's not everyday you get to hang around „Mycroft Holmes“ , especially in the same room. It's midnight, so that means the day is finally here. I fell asleep early because I was knackered. I do need a beauty sleep, don't want to scare them tomorrow looking like a zombie. In a few hours, my life is about to change.

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