Boredom doesn't necessarily kill, take it from a survivor.

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      Dear dairy, yes "dairy"

                            Today I was beyond bored :| there wasn't a single person at school that could supply me with a sufficient amount of entertainment. I kind of get bored easily by things (everything). But mostly at school, sometimes I feel like it's the same thing just a different day, I've began to start predicting what someone might do or say based on their first two body movements (exaggeration!!). I'd think making a game out how many times I can come to being right but even that got boring, as it would when you're right 95% of the time *sighss* there's only one group that seem to be different every day and the other groups I barely pay attention to because, why?? xD

I took a math test today, I didnt get to finish it though so I'm just going to finish it tomorrow. I got really interested in a book I had to read for English, it's just appealing for whatever reason, and reading that book made me want to start back reading and writing. Lately I haven't been able to because Time continues to move forward and when it does it gives me something else that needs my attention. My plan is to work on managing :P DANGER!! Men At Work!! That was pretty much all in all my day xD

 My plan is to work on managing :P DANGER!! Men At Work!!  That was pretty much all in all my day xD

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