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Ms Misnthrpist

I purposely spelled their name wrong so it wouldn't come up in a search. Almost everyone is smart enough to know that people google themselves.

Idk if their name is what they are, and idk whether or not they're trolling or serious. But I'm going to assume they're being serious. 

They are the worst. 

If you read a couple of their articles they wrote about asexuality, you'd be shaking your damn head too. 

They clearly don't understand asexuality, they are clearly close-minded, and they are clearly an acephobe. And by the looks of it, they deny being acephobic. 

According to this person, the following things are not ace oppression: 

     • Receiving death threats for being asexual

     • Not being accepted in your family because you came out as asexual 

     • Being bullied and harassed for being asexual 

     • Posts attacking asexuals 

     • This person also doesn't believe that asexuality is against some religions 

Bitch, by your fucking logic, gays aren't oppressed and neither are trans and bi people. That's all from one article and it's the most ridiculous shit I've ever read. And by their logic lesbians should just stay in the closet and pose as roommates. 

They also call asexual people special snowflakes and is all like "omg they're still attacking me" YOU ARE INVALIDATING THEM! Why the hell do you think they're attacking you? 

You cannot say that you think asexuality is a thing and then tell an ace that their identity is invalid. You can't have it both ways. 

They also called genderqueer people mentally ill. 

I know their articles are like two years old but still. That shit is absurd.

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