Chapter 24

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Skylar's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the room and saw I was still in the living room with everybody still in here sleeping. I started to freak out once I realized I had school. It was only Tuesday.

I ran up the stairs are started to rummage through my closet to find something that will make me look decent today. But I doubt that will happen since I'm pretty lazy. I checked the clock on my bedside table to see there was only 20 minutes before school started! I bet those lazy bums aren't even up yet.

I ran down the stairs and straight into the kitchen to grab two pans. This should be fun.

"WAKEY WAKEY!!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs and smashed the pans together. All of them started to freak out and I couldn't hold back all of my laughter.

"SKYLAR WHAT THE HELL!" Jack yelled.

"We have school in less than an hour I suggest you get up and ready. I'm ready and will be leaving soon. With or without you guys." I threatened and walked back upstairs to spray some 'Our Moment' all over my body.

I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before leaving my room and walking down the stairs.

"Okay bye people I'm leaving now!" I told them walking out the door. I made it all the way down the drive way without anybody following so I guess their either coming late or not coming at all. Whatever.

I walked to school and made it there about 6 minutes before school actually starts which surprised me.

"Skylar thank god your here! I thought I'd never find you!" Some random girl said running towards me.

"Uh who are you?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Oh yeah I should have told you that before! I'm Rebecca Black! Andrew's friend! He's a mess! He thinks you hate him!" She explained to me.

"Well it's nice to meet you! So where is Andrew?" I really do need to find him and tell him I don't hate him at all.

"He's sitting in his classroom. But the bell is about to ring so I'll try to find you after school so you can talk to him!"

"Okay well I better get to class! Nice meeting you goodbye! See you later!" I told her and walked down the hallway to get to my class.

I really hope Andrew is okay. I don't want him feeling as bad as he does. That makes me feel bad. I don't really know when he think I would hate him. Sam is probably the only one that hates him. I will have to get that fixed soon since there's no way I can't be friends with only one of them.

Let me clear up some stuff first. Sam and I are only friends. Maybe we could get to something more again but for now we are just friends. But part of me still likes him. Then again another part likes Andrew. Seriously this sucks. I can't even decide which one I like better. They're both great guys and sweet. Sam was a jerk but I trust that nothing like that will happen again. It could be different this time. Yet at the same time, I'm not sure it will be different.

Andrew's POV:

I sent Rebecca to go fine Skylar for me since I'm pretty sure she's angry at my outburst last night. I just can't help the fact that I'm pretty jealous that she's back with Sam. I mean I knew she liked him but I thought I had a little chance you know. So I am sitting here at my desk waiting for Rebecca to come back and tell me the good news. There was about 1 minute left when she walked back into the classroom.

"Where have you been?" I ask her.

"Finding Skylar."

"Why did it take so long? Never mind that, does she hate me?"

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