P4: This Time-1

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Hello! Sorry it's been a bit!
Please Read and vote and comment and enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: Any copyrighted material included in my stories I do not own and do not claim ownership of them. This is true for all my stories. Credit for copyrighted material goes to its rightful creator.

Now, please enjoy! ;3


*Ichigo's POV*
I knew what I was getting into when I approached that table with a towering pile of books. I knew I was tearing open a wound that had scabbed and never healed. I knew that I still loved him. I knew with my entire being that I wanted to see Grimmjow, even if he didn't. In all honesty, I never expected the reaction I received from him.
In my morning haze, I recalled the night's occurrences. I remembered his warm body and gentle touches. I smiled and sighed as I felt residues of that warmth. I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to be blinded by the sun's harsh rays. I laid in the bed and pondered.
"Does he love me? Does he actually love me?! I mean....that occurrence a few years back was pretty harsh." I thought to myself.
Memories flashed in my mind and made me cringe. I remembered sobbing and lying on my floor. The time I didn't spend with him. I hated myself for not taking advantage of the time I could have spent with him. I pushed away the depressing thoughts and felt happy because I was with him now.
I sighed and felt a pressure on my stomach. With my back flat against the bed and my arm over my eyes, I felt a mass shift next to me. The warm body began to roll on top of me, it's weight crushing my chest. I quickly realized that Grimmjow was still asleep and he was moving in his sleep. He mumbled something inaudibly and his body loosely laid on mine.
"Grimmjow!" I hissed.
He stirred a bit, his arms were splayed and his nose was poking my shoulder. His bright blue hair tickled my cheek as he breathed deeply. Feeling the muscular torso against my chest made me turn hot and I felt the flush cover my body. One leg was between my knees and the other off to the side, his foot hung over the edge.
"Grimmjow!" I hissed a bit louder.
"W-wha?....ah....c'mon Renji....just five more min......" He trailed off a bit, muttering something about a deadline.
I'm not Renji! I thought. I poked his cheek and glared at him. He didn't even shift. Aggravated, I nudged him, using my hands to push his shoulders down. He stirred at this and opened his eyes, the beautiful blue shining in the morning light. He looked at me and then at what I was doing. His head was now near by stomach. He looked at me, grinning. I didn't get at what he was smiling at. At least not until he crooned at me.
"So....you want it that early in the morning? I'm still sleepy but this'll surely wake me up."
He moved his head near my crotch and began to fondle me through my boxers.
"Wha-? No!" I scowled and kicked Grimmjow, although the scowl was pretty pathetic since I was also moaning at the pleasure.
My leg angled back and struck forward, stabbing the exposed body of Grimmjow. He never saw it coming in his haze. He doubled at the gut kick and wheezed. His blue eyes bulged into awareness and a dry cough bubbled from his throat. He rolled off me and clutched his stomach. I glared at the horny man and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I yawned and stretched my arms, waking my muscles. I stood up and left the panting Grimmjow in the bed. He growled at me and pursued my footsteps, crawling off the bed and then standing.
I think he thought that he was being stealthy, but with all the panting he was doing, I heard him a mile away. I pretended I didn't see him and kept walking, rubbing my temples. He snuck into my bath and locked the door behind him. I gulped, unprepared for that specific move. Mainly because I didn't know how the locks in this place worked.
He moved behind and purred, nipping my ear. He placed one hand on my pec and the other around my waist. He held me close and panted on my neck. I felt the warm air on my flesh, it actually felt pretty good.
His hand on my pectoral was splayed, his digits feeling my flesh tenderly. I tensed at the feeling, holding back sounds that were bubbling up in my throat. I heard his mouth part with a slick sound and his tongue ran up my jaw line, warm saliva trailing in its wake. I felt the flexible muscle curl around my ear, I suppressed my moans. His hand then decided to close around my chest and he brushed against my nub. I jerked slightly at the sensation. My hips rocked forward, Grimmjow's in suit. He growled happily, slipping his tongue back into his mouth.
His index finger and thumb closed around my nipple, squeezing it softly. I moaned softly, unable to stop the sounds. He continued to feel the now erect nub, twisting it slightly. I arched my back a bit, wanting more. He continued to stimulate the nub, I felt his erection rubbing against me. He bucked his hips into me, making me do the same. He purred into my neck, biting down on my shoulder. His teeth were sharp, but did not break the skin. I let my head fall back and moaned louder.
Grimmjow switched nubs and began to rub it, panting heavily into my back. I felt Grimmjow's other hand holding me, but it then wandered down. I gasped as he grasped me through the thin fabric. The sensation made my spine tingle with pleasure and shock. I tried to get a hold of the situation, but it was just to good. I let him touch me all over. His hand was petting my growing erection slowly, making me shudder in delight. I felt his erection pressing against my back, eager and hot. His other hand brought a thumb around my nipple, rubbing the nub slowly and deliberately. God it was so hot.
In Grimmjow's excitement, he bit down on my other shoulder, this time hard.
I yowled at the bite. Feeling the scratch bleeding slightly. This pain was enough to make me snap out of my lustful daze and rip Grimmjow off of me. I wrenched away from his grasp and scowled at him, heading for the door.
"You can shower first." I called back to him angrily.
I heard him growl and saw the bulge in his boxers. I unlocked the door and swung it open. I had to fumble with the lock, then the handle nearly broke in my grasp. I slammed the door behind me and sighed.
"Geez...that was....pretty far..." I breathed out to myself.
"We can go father if ya want!" Grimmjow somehow heard me and chimed in.
"Shut up and shower!" I growled back at him.
"Kay..but your missin' quite a sight."
I ignored his last remark as went to my kitchen. I heated a tea kettle and poured some tea for myself. I sat and pouted in the chair, waiting for Grimmjow to vacate the bathroom. When I heard the door open, I waited for him to come out. He did, but without any clothes.
I tensed and looked at him, turning beet red. I wanted to close my eyes tight, but the beautiful image in front of me prevented such action. Grimmjow looked at me and threw back his head, water dripping from his damp hair. He really was a wonderful being. He whipped his head back and chuckled, wrapping a towel over his waist.
"Ha! Ya like what ya see? Pervert..." He joked at me, walking towards my bedroom.
"Hey!" I hollered at him, my reaction slow, "Put some clothes on!"
"Don't got any."
"Really?! Grimmjow!!!" That sly bastard.
I walked after him, teeth grinding and fists clenched. That bastard really knew how to push my buttons. I kicked the door to my room agape and walked up to Grimmjow. I poked him in the chest and glared at him. He simply grinned back, showing his bright teeth.
"Your NOT walking around with just a towel....so you can just wear some of mine."
"Er....I don't know if you haven't noticed the size difference Ichigo...but there definitely is one..." He cocked an eyebrow and leaned over me, only proving his point.
"I got some big shirts...maybe...."
I rummaged through my closet, tossing a bunch of junk out of the way. Geez...I've only been here for a few days and I've already made it like my home. I thought. I was reaching for a shirt that might fit Grimmjow when he poked me on the shoulder.
"Huh?" I swiveled my head and looked at Grimmjow.
"I think this'll work."
He was wearing one of my button up shirts, I was surprised it fit. It had a solid white color. It looked really quite good on him, he looked like an angel. Or rather a beautiful demon. Grimmjow would never be angelic, but I liked him like that. He was also wearing a pair of my jeans, they looked a little tight. Despite that, he looked pretty good.
"Nice." I looked him up and down in a long sweep.
"What? Ya wanna jump me now?" He grinned and licked his lips.
I replied by flicking his nose. He yelped and held his nose. He frowned at me and mumbled nasally.
"Guess not....yet"
"C'mon...ya horny bastard...let's go have breakfast and let me shower. In peace!" I growled at him.
I pointed him towards the table with the steaming tea kettle on it. I then left him with the tea and went to shower. The warm water felt good.
"But not as good as Grimmjow..." I found myself thinking.
I got out of the bath and put on some clothes, just a T-shirt and jeans. I walked out to meet Grimmjow, whom to my surprise was leaning over the stove. A sizzling sound crackled throughout the air. A pleasant aroma accompanied the sound. He was cooking.
"Wow..didn't know you cooked." I said blatantly, announcing my presence.
"Had a lot of time when you left. Took up reading. My mom had a lot of cook books around...so..." He said the first part bitterly, not turning to look at me.
"Cool." I said as I walked over to the stove, ignoring the initial bitterness.
I looked over Grimmjow's shoulder and saw he was making some eggs.
"Yum." I licked my lips and exclaimed.
"There's rice to go with it too." He smiled at me and pointed to a steam cooker on the counter.
"Wow...I didn't know I had this stuff. Or at least I didn't know the guy I rented it from had it. I don't cook often. I spend all my time reading, painting, hanging with my friends, or PS3." I explained as I went over to the pot, lifting the lid.
A warm blast of steam made my face drip with water. I swiftly covered the rice cooker and stepped away. I grabbed a rag and wiped all the water off my face.
"Quit messing with the food, just sit down." Grimmjow barked at me.
I shrugged my shoulders and did as he said, sitting down in the wooden chair.
"Alright, if you don't want my help...." I told him.
"I'm repaying you for letting me stay, so don't blow it." He growled, turning off the stovetop.
I simply sat and waited for Grimmjow to finish, tapping my fingers on the table. I kept bugging him, asking every few seconds if he was done. He growled at me to shut up several times. It was funny to see him so wound up, I'm pretty sure he knew I was just fucking with him.
He placed a plate with rice and eggs down in front of me. I grabbed my chopsticks and began to chow down. I was really hungry.
"This is pretty good!" I mumbled through rice.
"Your welcome." He said and he began to eat.
We continued to dine in silence, only the sound of utensils chiming in every once in a while. I finished first and grinned, pleased by the food.
"You ought to cook more often!" I said as I drank some tea.
"Heh...maybe for you I will." He replied.
When he finished, he grabbed both of our dishes and quickly rinsed them in the sink. He returned to the table and poked my in the head. I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows.
"Oi! So what we doing today?" He asked blatantly, placing his elbows on the top of the chair, leaning.
"Well, I'd called up my other high school friends and we were gonna go hang." I said to him, making slight gestures.
He leaned over more, his hair dangling around my face. It was such a nice blue, and it smelled fresh like a blossom.
"Cool, who?" Grimmjow asked, grinning widely.
"Oh, you know...Ishida, Chad, and Toshiro." I counted them off on my fingers.
"Ya know I work with Toshiro...And where exactly were you gonna go?" Grimmjow looked at me intently.
"Huh? didn't know...Heh....well.....DisneySea...." I muttered.
"Of course! You love that place! Wait, have ya been since you left?" Grimmjow lifted off the chair and walked over to a large window overlooking parts of Tokyo.
"No...not since." I looked at my feet and mumbled.
Grimmjow held his hand over his brow and peered into the distance.
"You can't see it from here, Baka!" I shouted at him.
"Ah well, It'll be fun to join you guys." He said triumphantly.
"A....what? Well....okay I guess....." I rubbed my neck and agreed.
Grimmjow beamed back at me. He then ran over and hugged me, my arms crushed against my sides.
"I'll be ready in a sec and then we can take the train!" He exclaimed as he let me go.
'Wait...he doesn't live here...what the Hell is he getting?' I thought, taking a sip of my tea.
He returned with his wallet in hand and shoved it in his back pocket.
"Alright then, let's go." I leaned back and got up.
We took the train and got there half an hour later.

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