TMNT in the future

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Third Person P.O.V

Mikey and Raph was fighting over the remote again. It's my day, Mikey. Give it up. No, way Raph. Leo and Donnie gets in the fight. The remote falls in Splinter's hand. His show came on in 5 minutes. Mikey tried to take it, but they teleported to 2105 with their Lesley. Where the shell are we? Lesley or Donnie please explain. Master Splinter I think we are in the future. Thanks, for explaining Lesley. You're welcome. We can't breath or move. All of a sudden a limo came towards us. The robot inside said come in, if you want to live. Lesley you have a bag with you? Yes, I do. I have an outfit for Splinter and extra clothes for me as well. What is your name? My name is Serling. Very nice to meet you, Serling. You too. We are at our stop. Master Cody, meet the turtles, rat and another human. I can't believe you are here. What do you mean, Cody? I have read about you guys in Casey and April's journal. Second, what year is it? The year is 2105. Lesley you were right about being the future. So you know about us? Yes, I do. Have you read about our friend? No, I have not. Hi, I'm Lesley. I'm Cody. Very nice to meet you, Cody. What is it, Serling? This girl has manners, and that is a good thing. Thank you Serling. That was very nice of you.

Leo's P.O.V

You're welcome, Lesley. Hey, Lesley would you like a tour of the penthouse. Yes, Cody. Come with me. Coming. Guys, there is something wrong here. What do you mean, Donnie? Cody looks like a love sick puppy when he looks at Lesley. We need to stop it from happening. Here's the plan. Leo whispers the plan to everyone. Let's do it. This is he end of the tour. Wow, Cody this place is amazing. I am glad you like it. Hey, guys are you finished with the tour? Yeah, Leo and this place is amazing. Good, I need to talk to you. What's up,Leo. Me and the others will be watching you and Cody. I am not going to ask why. Great, you have no questions . Leo, I am going to the train, so see you later? Okay, see you later. Guys something is wrong. How so? She is training right now. At 7 in the morning, why? I guess she wants an extra hour of training. Hey, Lesley. Hey guys what you need? An answer to a question. Okay, go ahead ask the question. Why are you training at 7 in the morning for? I train at 7 everyday  for an extra hour of training. Thanks for the answer. You're welcome, Raph. See you later and we will let you train for a couple minutes. Sensei, may I talk to you for a minute? Yes, Leonardo. Come in Lesley's room for a minute. Why, Leonardo? You will see. You see what Lesley does in her spare time? Yes, I do Leonardo. Very good, Lesley. I see you are training in your time instead of playing video games. That is why she kicks everyone's butt. She can beat Raph in a fight. I heard that, Leo. Sorry first thing I think of. She trains harder than you, Raphael. I see what you mean. Hey, guys what's up. Hey, guys. Hey, Donnie and Mikey. I can't believe she is training right now. Yeah, you learn something new everyday. She is wise beyond her years. Thank you, sensei. You're welcome, Lesley. Hey, what's going on in  here? We are watching Lesley train. Cool, she trains? Yeah, Cody I train because Splinter trains me with the guys. So, you are a female ninja . Yeah, Cody. She trains harder than me. I train every chance I get. Well that explains everything. Thanks for explaining this, Leonardo. You're welcome sensei. Let's get to breakfast. You, coming Lesley. I will be there in a few minutes. Okay, come when you're ready. Hey, guys I just had to put away some stuff. That's why I didn't come sooner. Thanks, for telling us because we was beginning to get worried about you. I can handle myself, thank you. Okay, thanks for coming to breakfast. You usually come around lunch to eat. Sorry, I am trying to unpack my stuff and I finished this morning. Good, I'm tired of you staying up unpacking. It was worth it. Yeah, it was. Well, I will be at breakfast, for now on. Yes, now it's a family meal. What do you mean by family meal? I mean that we have a meal together. Plus we think of you as family, Lesley. Thanks, guys I really like that. Like what? That you think of me as part of the family. Well you are Lesley. That just brightened my day. Cool bracelet and necklace, where did you get them? My mom gave me the necklace and my dad gave me the bracelet. Before I left for New York.Why did you come to New York anyway? I got a job to work with animals. What do you mean? I help homeless animals find shelter and food. Well that is nice of you, Lesley. Yeah, I know Cody. Thanks by the way. You're welcome, Lesley. Did any of you except company? No,why? There are huge hovercrafts coming towards this way. Oh,no. What is it, Cody? My uncle is coming. Guys we have to hide.

Raph's P.O.V

Right we will see you after your uncle's visit, okay? Yeah,got it. Turtles and human roll out. How is my ward doing this morning? Uncle Darius, I am doing fine. Good morning, Serling. Good morning,Mr.Dunn. I see you are still collecting arifacts. Stay safe,stay here. Darius left and the guys appeared. You guys need to show how to do that. We are going to O'Neil Tech. What about Darius, he said " Stay safe, stay here." Forget that guy. Master Cody don't go. I have a bad feeling about  this.So the boy decides not to listen. I will have to teach him  that it's a dangerous place. Yes, Darius how may I help you? I have a mission for you. What is the mission? Secure the boy and destroy the turtles. Yes, sir I'm on it. Hey, guys what is coming towards us. One of my uncle's soliders. I think he is after Cody. How can you tell, Lesley? He is coming towards Cody. We have to secure Cody. Lesley, you take Cody back home and we will distract him. Got it, Leo. Coem on, Cody. Where is Cody? We don't know. My boss told me to secure Cody and destroy you turtles. Who sent you? Darius Dunn. We have to go. Lesley we are almost there. Solider, I need you for a moment. I am coming boss. I will destroy you later. This is not over yet. Darius Dunn sent that solider. I knew it. He was called by Darius to speak to him. I have a better plan. What is it? Capture the girl and we will use her as bait to get boy and turtles . Very good plan. Get the girl and bring her to me. Goodnight, guys. Goodnight, Lesley. The solider came in Lesley's room without covering  her mouth. She screams guys help me! That is Lesley. Hurry guys. We are too llate. We can follow him and get Lesley. Let go of me you freak. Lesley grab my hand. Thanks guys for saving me. It's always Lesley. That because Lesley is a girl and it is naturally to capture a girl. That is true.No my plan failed. Looks like you didn't win this battle Darius. I will get my revenge on you and the turtles. Go ahead and try, but you are going to fail again. Lesley kisses Cody and the turtles o the cheek. Once again thanks for saving me. Not a problem. I am glad you are back. Thank you sensei. Are you going to train some more? Yes, I will. Hey, Lesley. Yeah, Cody. Come here for a minute. Okay. Cody kisses Lesley. You go, Cody. Alright Lesley. I have a bad feeling about  this. You always have bad feelings about anything. Leo, be quiet. Looks like someone is jealous. What! Are you crazy!? Don't call me crazy, Donnie. Leo and Donnie get into a fight, but Lesley gets inbetween them. Guys, stop before someone gets hurt. Sorry, Lesley. Leo kisses Lesley. Leo what was that? I don't know. Lesley, I am in love with you. He just admitted that. Lesley blushes and Leo blushes back. Lesley kisses Leo and Cody on the cheek. Guys, I like you as friends and I am not ready to date anyone yet. We understand Lesley. I am glad that you understand.

The End

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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