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*I walk into Keaton, I feel excited but also a little nervous. I have been pursuing music for as long as I can remember. I feel like everything is finally ok, my dad and I did not exactly get along, and I have to deal with extra things I guess you can say....I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a few months ago, but my step father, Joey thinks this will be a good change for me. I just can't have any...well manic episodes. I just don't want to blow this, a chance like this only comes along once in a lifetime. I just don't want to throw away my entire future just because I am bipolar. I can't let this get in the way of my life, which is why I am not telling ANYONE. Once you tell people you are sick, they stop seeing you for you, they just see you as your illness, and well I don't want that. I just need a fresh start*~Craig

*First day at Keaton, I am a musician and well, it is my entire life. Everyday while Katie played soccer, and my friends hung out I was practicing my cello. You may think that it is stupid to spend so much time playing an instrument, but I feel like I can speak through it. I don't know what my life would be like without music. I have been writing songs, playing guitar, piano, cello, and any other instrument I could find since I can remember. My sister and I were always devoted to what we loved, I was devoted to music, and she loved soccer. Keaton is my first step in pursuing music for real. I am so excited, even though I am a year younger then everyone else. They only accepted me early because of my grades, and the fact that I can play so many instruments and write music. I am so excited, the first step to my dreams is right behind these doors...I am ready* ~Maya

*Music...This is the first and last thing I think of every night. It is the only thing that keeps me sane throughout everything. I have been playing instruments for as long as I can remember, from guitar to saxophone, piano, and of course... drums. I love everything about music, from writing music, to singing, and even picking up new instruments. My parents did not want me to come this year, because of y kidney thing, but I promised them it would be fine. I just could not tell anyone I was sick, I mean I am on a transplant list. All I have to do is pretend I am long enough to get the transplant, and than, I will be fine...I think*~Miles

*I am nervous walking into Keaton, seeing all of these talented people. I still cannot believe I got in. I know I am ok, but I am not amazing, like everyone here. I cannot stop smiling, I live singing, and playing the guitar. The thought of doing this for the rest of my life makes me so happy. Keaton is the first step to making my dreams to come true. I love music, it speaks to me, I love writing songs, I have been writing songs since my first crush. I know it is stupid, but music is the only way I feel like I can truly show people how I feel*~Alya

*I loved dancing for fun, but I never took it seriously, until I realized I could get paid to dance. After Esme gave me extra dance lessons, I realized how much I loved it. I love the feeling of people being amazed at what I did, instead of disappointed in something I did. I guess dancing was the first time I felt like I was doing something right. Keaton is giving me the possibility of doing what I love for the rest of my life. I just hope I can keep up with all of the other dancers here at Keaton*~Zig

*Carly and I have been dancing since were five. I remember when we auditioned together, and when we got in together. This is a dream come true, I love dancing, and to be able to dance with my best friend. I hope I don't fall behind Cee's shadow again, I just want to prove myself. I love dancing so much, I feel like the music just speaks to me. My body just moves by itself, I love every moment of dancing. I love Keaton, but I am so nervous too, I just hope I can make my parents proud, and myself proud*~Vanessa

*I love dance with all my heart, I am so excited to be here with my best friend. Vee and I have been dancing together since we met at out first ballet class. We were falling all over each other, and laughing, that was the day I knew she was my best friend. When we both got in, I was so excited, but, I also began to think about how we may become competitive with each other. Dance is an incredibly competitive thing, but I know my friendship with Vee is stronger then any competition...right?*~Carly

*Youngest quarterback in Degrassi's history, I am so excited to be going to Keaton. I am also a little nervous though, I mean this is a performing arts school, sports was recently added, what if I don't fit it in. I know this sounds stupid, but I have ever felt out of place, I always felt like everything worked, football, friends, school, and even family. I mean, I had my share of problems, trust me, but overall, I have never really felt like an outcast. I just hope I can find my place in a school filled with prodigies*~Drew

*I was recently drafted by the NHL which I guess is cool. The thing is, I never really liked hockey though. I know it's stupid, especially since I am considered a hockey prodigy. I mean the sport itself is fun, but the people are so different, I guess I just never fit the whole jock stereotype. I always end up getting pushed around on my hockey teammates, I am never really good with girls, and I usually end up as the outcast in the team. The worst part is being away from my family. I just always feel alone no matter how many people are around me. I keep sinking deeper and deeper into myself, but i cannot tell anyone that, because people don't really want to hear how you feel. I just hope this year can be different...for once*~Cam

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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