Chapter 2

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I felt like exploring the forest when I woke up. I hate that Bolt is so cruel, he killed his own mate and hurts other because his mate died and he was the cause of it. That is part of the reason I don't let Bolt push me around or he would have worst coming for him because of my split personality. Let's not talk about her she can hear me right now so I won't even bother starting a fight with her. I was looking to see if I could do anything in the forest but I felt something push me hard enough to make me go up in the air, but it was nothing I couldn't deal with and I rolled my eyes and flipped myself on to all four of my paws and looked up to see three cats that looked really familiar to me. "Do u need something?" I say to a grey tabby shecat. She hissed at me, "you are on clan territory, mousebrain" she said. "Oh, u this piece of earth that everyone else walks on" I say smirking at her. The shecat pulled her claws out. "Oh feisty" I say laughing a little. The black shecat next to her stepped forward and said to the grey shecat "ClearSky calm down she's trying to make u mad". ClearSky looked up at the black shecat, "I know AmberMoon and I will stop being mad once we get back to camp" ClearSky said harshly to AmberMoon. She leaped at me and I just have a small thing of ice block her way as she crashed into it. She hissed in pain and surprise. "Woah" the black tom said when he saw the ice. "How did u do that?" AmberMoon said and I look at her and smile. I make it go away and say "I have ice powers and I live with cats with powers, I'm Lola". ClearSky groans and ask the tom "RavenClaw, can u and AmberMoon deal with this and I just go home, please". He nods and smile at her as she leaves. "I'm just wondering have u seen a cat with purple eyes?" I ask RavenClaw and AmberMoon. They look at me and than each other, "do u know our mother?" They asked and my eyes narrowed from the memory. "That's my mother too and I was taken away by a cat that made everyone forget I existed" I say to them as my eyes shadow and tears fall down my cheeks. "So your our sister EclipseKit?" I look up at them and gasp, "how do u remember that, you were not supposed to remember me" I say with narrowed eyes. "We wonder why everyone acted like there was only three but there was actually four, we went when we were apprentice but we were found and brought back to camp" AmberMoon said and smiled a sad smile. I slowly walked to them and sat down, they got closer to me any they kept me warm. I found my siblings that I have always wonder if they remember me but I never bothered to try. "You should come home with us, Lola" RavenClaw said. My ears went down, "I can't I have to go back to the farm, no one in camp remembers me but I will come back when I find a cure for the camp so they can remember but for now I got to go back" I said as I walk back and smile at them and than I when back to the farm. I was walking back to the farm and I happen to run into something warm, I slowly turn around to see Bolt. "Where were u" he yelled as all my friends came to see what was happening. I unsheathed my claws ready to attack, because he always hurts me when I make him mad. "Pathetic" Bolt said to me as I look at him furious. "U know u can't fight me because u have Ice powers and I have fire which beats u" he said smiling. I slowly smile and start laughing at him "I have a advantages that u don't know about" I say. "You have been torturing me sense I got here and now I am putting a stop to it" I said like I was crazy. I look at him laughing and tears streaming down my face.
Trixy's pov
Oh no Lola switching. I am Trixy, Lola has treated me like a sister and she told me that she has split personalities and both side have different powers but she can't control it. Lola's other side calls herself Viper and her power is killer strong, her powers are Immunity, power absorption, and she know where u are, and she can mess with your mind.
Viper's pov
I laugh hysterically at him and he calls Lola pathetic. I sit there and tears start to fall down my cheeks "I'm sorry" I say, "I'm sorry". Bolt walks up to me and I push him to the ground with my claws digging in to his skin. "I'm not really sorry, and you called Lola pathetic but your the pathetic one" I say like I'm talking to a kit, I start laughing hysterically. Bolt throws a ball of fire. I just stay where I am and the fire just passes my fur and no harm done to me. "You fight like a kittypet and Lola could have killed u but she was nice enough to not do it" I smirk at him. "Get off of me you foxheart!" He yelled I look at his pathetic state and manically laugh. "You are the biggest foxheart I have ever seen because you called me one, although I am crazy, oh well" I say smirking as I lift my paw up and slash his through his throat. "Oh look he's dead" I say looking disappointed. "I was hoping for some fun" I say sadly but laugh a little. I get tired as I stood there.
Layla's pov
"Lola? Are u there?" I ask as their eyes slowly turn green to blue. "Lola?" I ask again. She slowly lifts her head up to look at me and her eyes are blue again. "What happened she asks, what did Viper do?" Lola asks. "She got rid of Bolt, finally after all these years" I say with my eyes watering. "He killed my mother for crying out loud" I say as I start to sob and I feel something warm rub up against me. I look up to see Kirby, I purr to see him close to me. He licks my cheek and purrs, I see Trixy run up to Lola and Lola raps her into her tail, licks her on the forehead and they walk away to go to sleep. Kirby and I get up and go lay down in our beds.

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