Niall the bad boy

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Hey it's Maddi this is my new story so enjoy.

Niall's P.O.V

'Hi I'm Niall, yeah I know what a cool name, how about no. That's why I go by the name of N yes N.

I know what your thinking 'oh this kid is just trying to be a badass' well no I am a bad ass.

Sure I have blond hair but I don't let people saying I'm a stupid blond get to me no because we'll no one dares say a thing to me. I guess I'm kinda imitating with my 40 something tattoos, and a lip piercing but I really don't care that's how I want people to see me.

Currently I'm in class yeah I bothered to come. Wish I hadn't tho, I mean it's not like I actually do work so what's the point of coming. I have horrible grades but I really don't care because you don't need a graduates degree to be a tattoo artist, well I hope not.

Hold on I just realized you don't know anything about me expect my name and my hair color. Well I'm 17 and I'm 5'11. So yeah that's me. You see I'm from this town called Mullinger, Ireland yeah it's really stupid. You see it's stupid because if your even just a little different people call you a freak. But I don't really care what people think about me in this town because as soon as I turn 18 on September 13th I'm gone and I'm never turning back.'

I look up from writing in my journal not a diary. I'm only doing this because it's part of my counseling. I have counseling because apparently beating people up daily isn't exactly healthy for me or those people.

I close my notebook and look around yep the same idiots as before.

'Niall since you think what your writing is more important than my lesson why don't you share with the class," my teacher Mr.Frank tells me.

"Um ok" I say reopening my notebook to a blank page and pretend to read " Everyone in this school is a faggot especially Mr.Frank" I say and close my notebook.

Everyone in the class laughs but I shoot them a look, they instantly stop " and it's fucking N not fucking Niall so shut the fuck up!" I tell him.

"OFFICE NOW MR.HORAN" he screams

"Well somebody's got there panties in a twist" I mumble as I pick up my bag and walk out but instead of going to the office like he said I just walk out and get into my black escalade and drive to my favorite bar 'The Fog'.

Once I arrive I go to my usual seat and Wendy the waitress sees me and goes to Carl the bartender to get me my usual Beer.

"Hey N" she says handing me my drink.

"Hey Wendy" I say handing her the 2 dollars.

She walks away and I sip my beer slowly.

***** A couple hours later*****

I walk into my house although it's more like hell. When my father hits me with a bottle on my head. I feel myself falling down but that's the last thing I remember....

So that was the first chapter hope you liked it so erm comment vote and share pls

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