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People nowadays are totally different from the people of the past after the so-called departure of the “ancient wisdom,” our society has become liberated and sophisticated. The mankind back then used to care about religion so much that they would almost devote their own life for it. But now everything has changed. What happened to mankind? Who are involved in this?

Many ideologies and religions have sprouted through the ages. Hinduism, Shintoism, Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Jainism and Christianity are the prominent ones. However, there is one ideology rising in our society that is totally out of the box. This idealism requires its members to make a contract with the devil or either sell their soul in exchange for money, fame, power, influence, love and even sex and this idealism is known as the illuminati.

The illuminati (Latin: Illuminatus “enlightened”) is a group referring to several groups either fictitious and real (historical). Historically, the name Illuminati refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an enlightenment-era secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt on the 1st of May 1776. In modern contexts, they are described as an evil organization behind mastermind events and manipulation of the world affairs through government and corporations to establish a New World Order.

The members of the organization primarily consist of famous and prominent people around the world. These include a wide variety of people such as politicians, multi-national corporations, artists, actress, singers, writers and even simple people. These people have sold their souls for power, fame, money, influence, and success. Sometimes some people sell their souls to the devil for eternal beauty and youthful image or 300 years of life for they know that once they have sold it to the devil, it would have the price of damnation for eternity that is why these people make the most out of the contract. There are even some cases when new recruits refuse to initiate with the devil then later gets killed with the other member to avoid the spreading of the information about the secret organization.

The Illuminati also plans to rule the world. They use schemes like the monarch butterfly programming, cat programming, Mickey Mouse programming and many other more were devised to “brainwash” the minds of the viewers. It is frequently found in music and films.

 Illuminati culture has already reached the pop culture. The illuminati culture is found in music, films, pictures, books, advertisements, and even in simple slogans or posters. Even some Western artists have already admitted being illuminati themselves however some subconsciously sold their souls and did ceremonies for the devil, which had a disguise of a spirit. It is said that Michael Jackson is also a member of the organization and possessed satanic vessels for ceremonies. In addition to that, the famous “Moonwalk” dance was said as a dance move taught to him by the demon sometime in the 80’s. Some people who had visions of hell claimed that demons in Jackson’s chamber were walking in a backward direction while tormenting the pop singer with flames, arrows, and huge worms. Even Dan Brown used the Illuminati in his novel “Angels and Demons” as the antagonist in the story thus involving the Christian religion once again in one of his works.

The Illuminati is also present in world affairs. The secret organization aims to have a “new world order” which is actually to have a “One-Totalitarian” government, which explains why we have WORLD Bank, WORLD Trade Center and many more. The Illuminati also uses subliminal messages or sometimes symbols in the government just like what is seen in the United Stated One Dollar bill where you could see the Eye of All-Seeing (the eye enclosed with a triangle) which is said to be the eye of Lucifer and is said to be that the one who holds the Eye of All-Seeing will be the most powerful person in the world. The Eye of All-Seeing grants immense power for the holder, which is a gift from their “god” Lucifer. The Eye of All-Seeing is also an important symbol in Satanism and is frequently turned into a golden amulet for Satanists believe in the immense power it contains and the protection that it provides them. Some Filipino witch doctors also have the same amulet used in divination and curing diseases.

Illuminati culture is also present in our motherland. It is said that several prominent people in the Philippine history like Luna Brothers, Graciano Lopez-Jaina, and even the national hero, Jose P. Rizal was rumored to be a member of the organization.

As it is said in the bible, the world is coming to an end. The anti-Christ are now rising as we approach the end of the 770-year prophecy in the Holy Bible. Once the land negotiations between Israel and the other nation has come to completion, Israel will have its land borders thus making the nation a complete state. A new temple (the third temple in Israel) will also begin its construction. This would be the mark of the start of the 7-year end prophecy in the bible. Soon after, an anti-Christ will go in the temple and proclaim that he is the Son of Man, the savior of mankind. He will cease all the animal offerings and will stop atonement with the Lord. Soon man will have to do things that are totally outrageous and horrendous for them to survive. They will have to sell their souls and have a “666” tattoo on their forehead in order for them to eat however consequences you’ll have to meet is eternal damnation. After three and a half years, the second coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ with the saints and angels will happen. They will go in the First Heaven (The Earth, the second Heaven is where Satan and his minions are, the Third Heaven is where the father is. Hell is the place of eternal damnation) and that would be the start of the Battle of Armageddon.

The negotiation between Israel and the “other” nation is underway. Man is fast approaching the End Times and Satan is looking for Gog and Magog in the four corners of the globe in preparation of the Battle of Armageddon.  Are you spiritually prepared? Are you aware of this? Have YOU accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Remember that with just knowing this facts and sharing this with other people could change and save the lives of many. If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, then analyze what is now happening in this world. Would you dare refuse the gift of ETERNAL LIFE?

The ILLUMINATI: The Devil's Society and  The 770-Year ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now