Lost In Paradise

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Hi, I'm Maggie. Just a typical high school girl with fine grades. Not an A+ student but an acceptable one. I'm Armenian, but I live in Lebanon. So you can say I'm half Armenian Lebanese. The reason I don't live in my hometown is because of the genocide that occurred in 1915, April 24. The turks had tortured and killed thousands and thousands of Armenians. Men were kidnapped tortured and killed in very cruel ways. Women and teenage girls were raped, used as slave or had been killed. More than 1.500,000 of souls had been lost in that massacre. As you see, the reason I live in Lebanon is because my ancestors had no where else to escape but here.

Eastern Armenia was safe in that time because Russia used to support the people and the government. No harm was done to the Armenians who lived there.o

Anyways coming to Lebanon, most people from other countries think that Lebanon is a place where terrorism occurs every minute. No, that's wrong. Lebanon is one of the world's most beautiful countries, but the government, unlike other countries' governments, is filled with thief politicians who don't value their country.

Lebanon's population consists of every religion. You can find a buddha, a jew, a christian, a muslim, but there are not fanatic religious people here unlike the other Arab countries. Every body is free to do whatever he/she likes. No body has the right to interfere.

Anyways, I gave you all these informations so that you realize my story isn't like any other story. It's not in the states nor anywhere else. It's in the Middle East. In an Arab country.

I'm a 17 year old girl and this is my senior year in high school. I've had a really tough past and all my experiences have made me a strong hearted girl. I don't know what weakness means. My aim is to be strong and wise and have courage. All my experiences have taught me that most of the problems can be solved with time and patience.

I used to love a guy named Jack, but I couldn't be with him because my mom hadn't wanted me to talk with him. So I kept my love a secret. However, he turned out to be a jackass. He started going out with girls just to annoy and hurt me. He started sending me pictures of him kissing and hugging other girls. He did every unimaginable thing that no girl could have handled.

That's my perfect love story which turned me to a stone hearted girl. I used to be very kind and good. I used to be naive and used to believe everything anyone said and get hurt from every little thing, but all of these changed. I forgot what purity is, what love is.

My father died in 2006 during the war. My mother and I had a hard time getting used to the absence of my father because he was a nice person.

I have no siblings. No one. I don't even have a best friend because I don't trust anyone. I know it may sound very wrong to you, but life made me the way I am now and I don't regret.

I have my mom and she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. And of course, I feel the luckiest because I have God.

Okay so as I said this is my last year of high school, but I haven't chosen what major to study in university yet. I had always wanted to be a dancer, but not in Lebanon, in Hollywood or Broadway maybe? But I have given up on my dream because I know it is something impossible.

I like books. I read them whenever I'm free. I know this may surprise but they're my escape from reality. I'm literally a book person and this may surprise you more because I read The Bible too. There's no way for me to lose all my strength and courage as long as God is in my mind and heart.

Coming to my mother, she's a lawyer. I can't see her anytime I want so I'm always alone. But that doesn't even bother me cause I like loneliness.

Oh and before I forget, I admire animals. Every kind of animal. I hate hunters and I'm a vegetarian.


To be continued:)

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Thanks for reading<3

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