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"Does the colour yellow make me look fat?" My best friend Emma questioned, picking up a shirt off the rack at some clothing store she'd dragged me into. I looked at the shirt, which was a dusty mustard yellow colour. I then looked back at my best friend, who looked genuinely concerned that the colour didn't look nice on her. I sighed. Yellow was never a colour I personally cared for.

"You can rock any colour you want, Emma." I explained, looking through the rack, which was in front of me, hoping I was able to perhaps find something that wouldn't have looked half bad on me.

"Any colour but yellow!" She groaned. "I need to look good for the first lacrosse game of the season!" I wouldn't say Emma was someone who necessarily cared for the opinions of others, but I wouldn't necessarily say she was careless, either.

"Why do you need to look good? You'll need to cover any outfit anyways with a jacket, since you know, its fall."

She groaned and took the shirt in front of the mirror on the wall next to the rack, and began to place the shirt in front of her, as if to test whether the shirt was going to look good on her. It wasn't that I didn't care much for fashion, it was just that I felt like we were just going to a simple school lacrosse game, and I didn't need to look as if I was going somewhere fancy.

"It's not about the weather, Destry." She grated, placing the yellow shirt back on the rack. She walked over to the next one, prying through the next set of shirts. "It's about the boy."

I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming next. She had the biggest crush on one of the star lacrosse players, although he had a girlfriend. That being said, it wasn't that I didn't think she was able to get the guy, I just didn't want her to get upset over some guy who didn't give her the attention she truly deserved since he was already taken.

I didn't really get involved on any of the drama in which floated across the halls of Beacon Hills High School, mainly because it was too complicated. Every day there was a new broken heart, a new heartbreaker, and a rumour passed around in which was always false. So, why had I the need to focus on stuff that didn't matter at all to my life?

"Don't base your happiness on some boy who already has a girlfriend, Em." I explained, picking out a shirt I thought might have looked somewhat decent. "Besides, you should dress the way you want, not the way that you think a guy would like for you to dress."

"You're just saying that because a guy you like hasn't come around yet." She said simply, pushing a strand of her dark brown hair past her shoulders. "Once you find a guy that makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world, then you'll understand why I am acting like this."

"You've spoken to him one time! Plus," I pointed out. "It doesn't even count, you both were drunk!"

"Just because I was under the influence doesn't make it any less special!" She pointed out, grabbing another shirt from the rack.

"Just don't do anything rash tonight, Emma." I laughed. "Like, running on the field and kissing him if he scores."

She gasped, pretending to look offended. "I would never do such a thing! What I would do is run onto the field with a sign that confesses my love!" I knew she was joking, and would never actually do such a thing. Although she had a crush on the guy, I doubted she'd go up to him; sober, at least.

I laughed, walking to another section of the store, leaving Emma to sort through the shirts once again. I saw a pair of jeans on the rack which I found kind of cute, so I made my way to them. I started looking through the pairs of jeans, hoping I'd find them in my size so I was able to try them on. I had only looked through a couple pairs of pants when a weird sense rush over me.

          It was a feeling in which I'd never really sensed before.

I felt as if someone was watching me.

All the hair stood up alongside my neck, almost to the point of Goosebumps. I instantly looked around, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. My eyes darted around the store, but I saw no visible harm; just a couple of teenagers browsing around with their friends, and the workers cleaning up things out of place within the racks. Somehow, although I saw nothing to momentarily worry me, the reaction didn't go away, and I got this unusual feeling at the pit of my stomach that wasn't going away. It made me feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

It was perplexing me, the fact that I had such a sense; yet I was not able to find the source of it. It was strange to me; I had been feeling that sense for a couple days now, and it would be in the strangest places. For example, I would be brushing my teeth, and I'd feel someone watching me through my window of my bathroom. Or, I'd be getting food from my fridge, and I'd feel like someone had been watching me from my back door. That being said, I didn't really think much of it though I should have probably paid more attention to my surroundings.

          I just tried to push it off my mind and focus on the important tasks I had at hand during that time, not letting such silly thoughts of paranoia distract me.

            Although I had tried my best to avoid what was bothering me, I wasn't able to let it slip my mind. I wasn't able to let it strip my thoughts.

"You okay?" Emma asked, walking over to me. I noticed she had a pile of clothes in her hands; which I assumed she must've found some things that she liked. I wasn't surprised at that, she had always enjoyed shopping. I nodded, shaking the feeling off. I must've been mistaken; I was in a mall after all, who'd want to look over me? Besides, I wasn't able to bring it up to Emma, or she'd go all Nancy Drew on it and she wasn't going to let it go. I'd never hear the end of it.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. I pointed to her pile of clothes. "You want to try any of those on?"

She looked at me wearily. "I already did," I raised my eyebrows. She tried all those clothes on already? I hadn't noticed her even going to the dressing rooms. "Are you sure you're doing alright?" I stood there confused. I must've been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even pay attention to what she was doing.

"Yeah, I must've dozed off." I assured her. I wasn't sure if I was using those words to assure my best friend, or myself. "Anyways, have you found what you wanted for the game tonight?"

Her face lit up at the mention of the lacrosse game. "Oh hell yeah! I decided although yellow wasn't my colour, burgundy totally is!"  I laughed at how excited she got over a the simple colour of a t-shirt.

"Now that you mention it, it totally is." I smiled, cheering her on. "He will totally notice you." I knew it was wrong to agree with Emma's hopes in getting the attention of the boy she liked, especially since he had a girlfriend but sometimes, false hope is better than no hope at all.

"You think? I was thinking of straightening my hair. Wait, that won't make it look like I'm trying too hard, will it?"

"I like your hair wavy." I said, thoughtfully. We made our way to the cash for Emma to pay for her clothing, when we heard a noise behind us. We both turned our heads to see that the rack in which I searched through to find the size of jeans had tipped over, jeans sprawled all over the floor; leaving such a mess. I was able to feel the glares from the workers, who were making their way to the fallen rack.

"What was that?" Emma questioned, looking at me. She raised her hands as if to prove her innocence. "I totally didn't hit that."

"I don't know," I muttered, turning back towards the cash. I may not have seen who did it, but another feeling rushed over me.

This time, although it may not have been a feeling of being watched, it was a feeling of dread.


Word Count: 1422

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so excited for this book!!

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