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I had barely left Magnus apartment since he'd brought Jace there. Magnus didn't seem to mind apparently my witty comments amused him enough to keep me around. I also was starting to guess he had a thing for Alec, so he figured being semi-decent to his friends was a good idea.

Jace was doing fine now, well fine enough to drive Magnus up the wall with his compulsive desire to clean up the place. Apparently the warlock was not a fan of Jace's passion for organisation.

We hadn't really said much to each other these past few days aside from the occasional witty remark here and there. Somehow we spent almost all our time in the same room but still managed to avoid all the things we really should have talked about.

I'd just gone to get my morning coffee and came back to check on Jace. I didn't ever dare stay the night, but like clockwork i was back on Magnus's doorstep ever morning. As i walked into the room where he stayed i found that he was already out of bed.

"If you don't stop rearranging his stuff." I warned. "Magnus is going to throw you off the balcony."

He jumped slightly at the sound of my voice. I walked over to him hand stretched out to pass over the coffee i'd fetched for him. He took it from my hand before flopping down in an armchair.

"Honestly," I complained. "How hard would it be for you to open the curtains once in a while."

"Possibly impossible."

He turned on the tv its flickering screen the only source of illumination in the room. "Anything good?" I asked as he flicked mindlessly through the channels.

"Of course not." He replied groaning slightly. "Is there ever?"

"Good point." I sat on the hot pink couch pulling the blanket strewn across it over my lap. "So..." I started awkwardly.

"Don't you have better things to do then hover over me." He asked.

"Sadly," I admitted. "Not really."

"No secret boyfriend?" He joked but i still tensed up as the words left his mouth. He noticed. "Sorry."

"Doesn't matter."

"Are we ever going to talk about it?" He asked hesitantly, looking away from the tv to gauge how i reacted.

"About what?" I replied attempting to continue playing the oblivious fool i had been for the past few days.

"You know what?"

"What's there to say?" I asked seriously. "Do you want to talk about how you kissed me that night? The way you acted afterwards? No wait maybe you want to discuss the way you acted at Ranwick's. The way you always seem to act like you care about me. The way you act like you want to be more than whatever we are right now, then pretend none of it ever happened." I sighed taking my frustrations out on the blanket in my hand. "So do tell me what exactly do you have to say?"


"—What's on?" Magnus inquired. Alec, Clary and Simon wandered into the room after him.

Jace let his head against the headrest of the armchair. "What not to wear." He sat forward for a moment, shaking his head. "High-waisted khaki pants? Who wears those?" He turned to glare at Magnus. "Nearly unlimited supernatural power," He said. "And all you do is use it to watch reruns. What a waste."

Heavens Shadow ▹ Jace Wayland (2) Where stories live. Discover now