Chapter 1: Moving time

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Chapter 1

"Ana! Wake up, I'm not Packing for you and we're leaving in an hour!" My annoying older brother Jackson screams through my door.

"Ne gaw weh" I mumble back my response still half dead from sleep.

I curse the almighty lord for creating mornings. I roll around onto my back and sigh heavily.

I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I know I hear a war cry and Hayden is jumping on my torso officially making me lose oxygen.

"Ha-Hayden you fat mule get off me" I wheeze through the pain and shove my older brother off onto the floor. I hear him groan from the impact and I grin successfully.

I get up and walk into the hallway into the bathroom that all four of us share.

By now I've learnt to live with the pig sty that we call a house.

I turn on the shower and jump in.

15 minutes later I get out and look in the foggy mirror. I clear a spot on the mirror so I could see my reflection.

I sigh heavily when I look at my knotty hair. I can see my dirty blonde roots growing through and it makes me sigh even louder the second time. I have to go get some dye so I can redo my hair soon because I know if Jericho sees my hair he will throw a definite fit.

I get dressed in my usual nike sweatshirt and ripped skinny jeans. Jogging back into my room trying to hurry before someone throws another tantrum about my tardiness. I throw my hair up into a high messy bun knowing I won't have time to detangle the nest on top of my head.

While running out of the house I grab an apple and look out the propped open door to see the boys putting boxes into the moving truck. I sit on the porch steps and watch them do all the dirty work while I finish my delectable apple.

Hayden turns around and stomps over to me. He stands in front of me with a disapproving look on his face.

"Ann can you please get off your lazy butt and help your loving caring brothers pack the truck." He pats his foot waiting for me to make a move to get up.

I don't make any move to get up so he shrugs and bends down and grabs my waist and pull me over his shoulders. I screech loudly and start slapping his back.

"Hayden if you would like to live to see another day I would suggest putting me down!" I scream in his ear trying to be annoying.

He just chuckles and keeps walking toward the truck.

He plops me down in a box filled with packing peanuts. My two other obnoxious brothers just watch and don't even make a move to stop the abuse I am receiving from Hayden.

"Oh Hayden your gonna regret that" I mumble as I rise from the box and put on my most ferocious face possible.

Hayden steps back a few steps and tries to look at my brothers for help.

"Don't look at us, you brought this upon yourself" Jackson says while raising his hands in a sign of surrender to me.

I start taking dangerous steps towards a scared

I laugh maniacally which makes him turn and run as fast as possible into the house.

I grab the ketchup from the kitchen and once he tries sneaking past the kitchen looking for a hiding spot away from me I jump out from behind the counter and squeeze as hard as possible at my victim.

I stop a few moments later and can't help but fall to the floor laughing because of the condiments all over Hayden's face.

"I will murder you with my bare han-" Hayden starts but is cut off by Jericho.

"Okay guys that's enough fighting for today. Anastasia have you finished packing yet?" He looks at me accusingly knowing I haven't.

"Uhhhh, yeah I have I'm just gonna run up there and make sure everything is ready." I lie through my teeth and race off upstairs.

I reach the top of the stairs and go into my room.

Looking around at my homey room is more disheartening than I thought it would be. This is the longest we've stayed in one place and I've actually come to like it here.

I look at my book case and see I still have some books to put into boxes. I go over and start shoving books into the box trying not to think about any of the memories I've made here knowing it will only slow me down and make me think of all the things I'm leaving behind.

I finish packing fifteen minutes later and bring the few boxes down stairs to the front door.

Jeri hasn't told us where we're moving this time but he said we will like it.

I walk over to Hayden sitting at the bar in the middle of the kitchen on a stool and giggle a little when I see him wearing a new unsoiled shirt.

He turns to me when he hears me and playfully glares at me. He looks into my eyes for a few moments and opens his arms motioning for a hug.

I slink over into his embrace and hug him as tight as I can. He knows that I don't do well with the moving all the time thing.

"Chad says that the place we are going to now is really pretty and cold" Hayden whispers in my ear for reassurance. I love the cold. I don't know if it's because of the cozy sweaters or staying indoors snuggling into a blanket with a good book that draws me too the cold weather.

I pull away and wipe away the stray traitor tear that managed to escape and walk out to the moving truck and put my last box in it.

I jump in Jackson's grey jeep and plug in my headphones to my phone and prepare my "road trip" playlist.

Jackson gets in the car and pulls out after Jericho and Hayden in the moving truck.

I sigh lightly and close my eyes preparing myself for the long ride ahead.

Just a little beginning chapter trying to get y'all acquainted to the characters real quick. I tried giving off the vibes of how playful Ana and Hayden are and how they seem to be close. Leave feedback xoxo

Bye lovelies

Word count -1097

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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