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"Henry! Henry! Everything is going to be okay!" She heard Emma yell. She ran to Emma as the people loaded Henry in the ambulance.

"What happened is he okay? Emma?" Maya said as Emma held Maya back.

"Maya. Henry he." Emma began as she got into her car. Maya got into the passenger seat as they followed the ambulance.

"Emma what happened to Henry?" She asked scared now by herself rather then just Emma.

"He ate this apple turnover then he passed out." Emma said as she held it and they got out of the car.

"It was poison. This isn't good." Maya said as they ran in with Henry.

"Henry I'm here. It's going to be okay." Emma said again to Henry.

"I'm here too Henry." Maya said next to Emma.

"Get them out of here." Doctor whale said to them.

"No I'm not going anywhere." Emma said as he started questioning her. She explained what was happening.

"It's like-" Doctor Whale said as Maya looked to Emma.

"It's like magic. Emma." Maya said as she cried. "You have to believe. It's the only way." She cried.

"Maya I don't-" Emma started before Maya hugged her. Maya felt an urge of something rush through her body. "Maya." Emma said as she pushed Emma away a little bit.

"I remember. It's real." Emma said looking at her a bit overwhelmed.

"It is. We have to stop this." Maya cried looking at Henry.

"Where's my son?" Regina said running in.

Emma looked to her angrily. "You did this." Emma said before pushing Regina in a closet.

Maya watched as Henry was stuck onto the machines. She hoped that he would be okay. Emma and Regina came out after a couple of minutes and Maya looked to them.

"We are going to go see Mr. Gold so he can help us." Emma said looking to Maya.

"How is he going to help?" Maya asked confused.

"He's Rumplestiltskin." Emma said quietly as Maya widened her eyes.

"What?" She said quietly surprised. "I'm coming with you."

"No. You stay here and make sure Henry is okay." Emma said as she looked at Maya who looked to the floor. Emma hugged her. "Don't worry Mys."

Maya looked behind Emma to see Regina. "This is all your fault." Maya said crying angrily.

"Don't you think I know that already." Regina said sassily to the young girl.

"Come on let's go. We have to save Henry." Emma said looking to Regina before they left. Maya sat in a chair looking at Henry.

Emma and Regina came back and Emma explained how she had to go on a quest to save him. She also said that Mr. Gold could help them and that he was Rumplestiltskin. She didn't go into details and Maya assumed it was because she didn't really know them.

Maya tried to join her but Emma said no. They had some time to talk to Henry before going out. Maya could tell it was dangerous. She hoped they found what they needed to save him. After a little while Ms. Blanchard showed up.

Maya looked to her with puffy eyes. "Oh my goodness. Maya." The teacher said as Maya hugged her tightly and she did the same.

"I'm scared Ms. Blanchard." Maya said crying into the school teacher.

Curious ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now