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Walking out of her room, he took time to slowly close the door. 

He had to think of what to do next. He had to hunt. Sighing he felt the others nearby as he walked into Sarina's tiny living room. 

"Is she okay?" Nova's voice shook. 

"She will be, she's sleeping right now. When she wakes up she'll have no memory of this." he answered. Looking over to Seth, he saw his friend turn from the window, watching him passively. 

"What did you do Cam?" Nova growled, walking up to him. 

"What needed to be done." at her look he continued, " Nova, you should have never came tonight. It was beyond stupid." he couldn't help how his voice rose. If they hadn't been there he wouldn't have had to do this. They wouldn't be a target. 

"I know that!" she snapped shrugging off Seth's arm as he tried to hush her, "We should have never left tonight! But its your fault! Both of you!" she accused turning towards her boyfriend. "If you guessing wasn't so secretive then we wouldn't have been forced to follow you just to see what going on. You should have told us. You should have.." 

"What?" Seth snapped cutting out what he was about to say, "Hey honey we are going out to create some monstrous beasts, by the way your not allowed. See ya!? Is that what you want us to say? Nova...." his voice calmed a little, "Just because we are together doesn't mean that you can..." 

"Enough." Cam interrupted knowing this was going to get anywhere other tan another fight. "What's done is done. And now we all have to face the consequences..." 

At that Nova and Seth both turned to him. "What consequences?" they asked at the same time. When Seth half smiled and looked at her she scowled stepping away from him. No forgiveness at time soon it looks like. 

"Besides the fact that the brothers," and Nova's confused look he explained, "the other angels there, now know of both of you. Know that we are involved with humans... which by the way is forbidden.." he cut his eyes at Seth who just stood there still scowling at Nova, "there is the demoness that escaped on this plane. Whether it be from when I opened the portal or before, I know not. But, she disappeared from that room right after we heard Sarina outside.." 

At that Seth jerked his attention back to him. "Does she suspect?" Seth asked now fully attentive. 

Gritting his teeth he wanted to recoil, "Yes" 

"Oh shit..." Seth shook his head, pacing around. 

"What? What does she suspect? Who is she?" Nova's asked frantically, while she ignored Seth pacing in front of her and stared at him. 

"She is Shrea, a demon. An Arch demon. And she will kill Sarina the moment she lays eyes on her." 

"Why!?" Nova screamed afraid. 

"Because.." How could he explain a lifetime of hell to this little human? He couldn't. So instead he gave her the best answer he could. Feeling Seth pause he knew the angel was remembering the story he had given him long ago. As Seth glanced over at him, he felt his friends pity. 

"Because when we in that room she felt it..." at her confused looked he continued, "She heard my heart stutter when I heard Sarina scream. It was small, but enough for her to see that I cared" 

"So! You care whether a human needs help. Your an angel! That's what angels do..." she ranted. 

"Nova..." Seth stopped his pacing entirely and waited until she finally turned toward him, "Your views on angels are slightly different form reality. While its true some angel's do care..." 

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