50 - Love Letter to Rom Coms

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My dearest Romantic Comedy,

There are so many things that I love about you that I don't even know where I could possibly start.

Since I understood what a Rom Com was, I haven't never wanted to let you go. You bring light into the darkest of my days and you make my best ones even brighter.

Rom Com, you have taught me a lot of things in my 20-something years of life that I don't think I will ever be able to learn anywhere else.

You provided me with an unerring optimism for life, love, and the pursuit of happiness that the world has tried its best to destroy ever since before I realized that these were things that could be taken away.

There was a time in my life where I thought – wow, romance can never be funny.

But you proved me so, so wrong, yes you did. You showed me that romance is only powerful, is only coveted, if it’s funny, if it’s enjoyable.

It is proven that romantic dramas don’t do nearly as well as romantic comedies, and with good reason. People need to be in a specific mood for romantic dramas.

But you, Rom Com, nobody needs to be in a special mood for you. You are the go-to, you are the reason that sleepovers with my girlfriends are never dull.

You are the reason I believe that love can happen anywhere, at any time.

You may have filled me with expectations – expectations that no one can hope to meet – but at least you taught me that there is someone out there for everyone and there is someone out there for me.

I am a prize, and I am a goddamn catch, and I deserve my absolutely mind-boggling Rom Com ending.

I deserve Ryan Gosling giving up absolutely everything he built his life around so that he could be the kind of man I need.

I deserve Penn Badgley showing up at my house and riding off on a lawn mower into the sunset.

What’s even better than love, though, is what you have taught me about friendship.

The friendships in Rom Coms are some of the closest, well-written friendships I have ever seen.

Friendships like Josh Gad and Kevin Hart in The Wedding Ringer, so unexpected and built out of a mutual respect that – in most other films – fall by the wayside.

Friendships like Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, and Kate Upton, teaming up to take down a no-good cheater.

So, yea, Rom Com – I kind of love you a lot. An insane amount really.

And, even if I think your story is too ridiculous for words, you always cast very attractive lead actors and actresses, so at least you’ve given me something nice to look at.


Amanda, the hopeless romantic

Letter can be seen at: http://www.puckermob.com/lifestyle/a-love-letter-to-rom-coms

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