Bad Santa

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Prompt: Bruce has to dress up as Santa for a Wayne enterprises event thingy & his S/O won't stop making xmas innuendos sorta like whispering 'I'll make sure that Santa is coming tonight' to Bruce, winking & Bruce makes sure that they do later on

WARNING: Innuendo heavy. Youngins shield your eyes.

"Well ho ho ho, don't you look like buffest Santa ever to grace WE's Holiday party." You commented as you spotted Bruce coming towards you, now out of his usual suit and tie and dressed in a more festive suit. You couldn't help but to chuckle at how very un-Santa like he looked. You couldn't help but to wonder how they managed to convince him to do this.

"Mmmm. This Santa hasn't had a cookie in two years." He said approaching you and wrapping his arms around your waist before dipping his head to capture your lips in a quick kiss. "You look amazing tonight." He complimented.

"Yes well this tree has some extra special trimmings underneath the skirt tonight, if you catch my drift." You replied flirtatiously with a wink.

"Don't tempt me." He said in playful warning. You gave him a devious smirk and against your better judgment continued with your train of thought.

"Play your cards right and I'll make sure Santa's coming tonight." You grinned.

"[Y/N]." Bruce groaned exasperatedly.

"Meet me under the mistletoe and kissing isn't the only thing we'll do." You continued with a confident smirk.

"Are you done?"

"Almost, almost." You reassured. "When I jingle your bells tonight it's sure to be a white Christmas." You said, not able to get through that one with a straight face. Bruce gave you a disappointed look but had an amused twinkle in his eyes.

"Ok, Ok. Now I'm good." You said through your laughter. Bruce's eyes narrowed and he leaned in to seductively whisper in your ear.

"Behave tonight and I'll be sure to give you a sleigh ride you'll never forget as soon as we get home." Bruce promised. You couldn't help the shit eating grin that spread across your face .

"And if I don't behave?" You challenged. Bruce moved his hand so his finger moved to lift your chin so you were looking him dead in the eyes. The sexual tension between you two burned electric.

"Then I guess you'll end up on my naughty list."

"Oh how fun!"

"Mr. Wayne? It's uh ... time." The event coordinator spoke up looking terribly awkward as he felt like he was intruding on a private moment. You had almost forgotten you were in a public setting. You stepped away from Bruce and nudged him towards the stage. The coordinator handed Bruce a giant red bag filled to the brim with presents he was supposed to hand out to the employees in attendance.

"Go empty that sack babe!" You called after him. Bruce shot you a disapproving look but didn't respond.

Bruce made a quick speech and made quick work of handing out the packages before returning to your side. You smiled up at him and suggestively ran your finger down his chest.

"So Santa, what kind of package do you have for me?" You asked with a lewd smirk.

"How much egg nog have you had tonight [Y/N]?" He asked with a sigh.

"None." You responded. Ok, that was a lie. You've had a couple but not nearly enough to not realize what you were doing.

"Uh huh."

"So, are going to come down my chimney tonight or is it going to be a blue Christmas? Because baby, all I want for Christmas is you." You said with a demanding tone. You were ready to get out of here and start making good on your flirting. Bruce quickly took your hand and led you out of the building to where the car was waiting. The two of you made it back to the manor in record time with you rubbing and teasing Bruce the entire ride home. You had to applaud the man's ability to control his concentration...

As soon as the car stopped in front of the manor, Bruce got out and rushed over to your door. He opened it and helped you out before grabbing your by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder as if it were nothing.

"Alright you." Bruce said walking you into the house and up the stairs towards your room.. "You've been teasing me all night. It's about time I do something about it."

"I take it that I'm on your naughty list tonight?" You retorted with a giggle. Bruce groaned as he carried you up the stairs.

"You're going to be the death of me, woman." He groaned. You felt a deep sense of satisfaction in how worked up he was. This was going to be a very merry Christmas indeed.

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