The Crossbreed Experiment

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 "Where were you born?" Mrs. Justice asked me, folding her hands neatly on her lap, leaning back casually in the plastic chair on the other side of the bulletproof glass that separated us.

 "Berlin, Germany," I replied, copying her actions. If you consider being grown from a testube the same thing as being born, then sure. I bit my tongue hard, knowing that if I didn't keep my mouth shut I'd do something regrettable to a normal person, I'd be locked back in prison in a heartbeat. Luckily, though, I'm not a normal person. And if I'd busted out of prison once, I could certainly do it again.

 I spun my head around, causing a bone to crack loudly. Then I sat there, a bored expression masking my true feelings.

 "Alexandra Scarlett Grace Evans," Mrs. Justice randomly stated my full name. I scowled and rolled my eyes. My name was totally unfitting. I was made to be a fighter, a warrior, a soldier. I have freaking animal blood coursing through my vains, and the scientists name me Alexandra Scarlett Grace Evans. "Such a lovely name. Did the doctors name you?"

 "You mean those freakish demented scientists?" I asked, angered by her choice of words. I was almost certain that a doctor was a person who went to college to work at hospitals and help save people's lives. That does not describe who the people at the lab were. To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure that 'scientist' quite described those monsters back at the lab. "Then yes. I was named by them."

 "And how old are you?"

 "Well that's a little personal," I said, raising my eyesbrows. My long dark brown hair fell into my eyes. I shoved it back out of my face and glanced around the room. I noticed the door was a large padlock with an alarm. I sniffed. Lucky me, though, because I already knew the password.

 "Answer me, Alexandra!" Mrs. Justice snapped.

 "Fifteen, I think. And it Alex, thank you very much."

 "Take her away!" Mrs. Justice barked importantly. Some security guards behind her rushed to the door which Mrs. Justice opened. They jerked me up and roughly and started to drag me out of the room.

 "Get off of me!" I shouted fiercely. It was just a warning to them. As if I needed help. I was independant and strong, much more than these gigantic guards. I may have been small, but I was a fighter. As I said earlier, it was in my blood.

 The guards, though, didn't catch my warning. Oh well, they're loss. In one swift move I swung my legs around and spun around behind them. The guards, confused and frightened, turned to find me.  I  jumped out and quickly grabbed a gun out of one of the security guard's pockets and pointed it threatingly at the two.

 "Is the wittle girl gonna hurt us with the big bad gun?" a guard taunted. Is that all you got? I wondered, rolling my eyes at them. "Does she even know knew where the twigger is? Whataya gonna do, shoot us?" I shrugged.  "C'mon, give it a try, little girl."

 "Well, you asked for it," I retorted quietly, pulling back the trigger. The guards faces fell, and they actually let their fear show. I let go of the trigger. One of the large men fell with an incredibly loud thud. I aimed at the other, right in between his eyes.

 "Bet you can't get this one--" he said. Well, he started to say. Lets just say that he never finished. I started to jog towards the door. The hallways were suspiciously empty, but at least there was no one in my way of getting the hell out of that place.

 I burst out of the door and made a mad dash down the street of the deserted town. In no time at all I had left the cold metal building behind, the entire town itself just a microscopic speck on the horizen. But I wasn't safe yet. Not until I was... well, I was never truly safe.

 Finally I got tired after running nonstop for four hours through a neverending forest in whatever country I was in now. I hadn't even broken a sweat yet, but so long as I was far away, I could rest a little. Quickly I climbed up into the closest tree, shoving down a birds nest out of my way as I hurried up. I realized what I'd done, practically killing off my own kind.

 It's a long story, you see. Let me explain.

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