Chapter 25

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Elijah's Pov

There's only one thing to do.

If I don't find who's chasing us soon, then we'll be stuck in that house forever.

I need space from them.

I can't even make fucking love to my princess.

It's all too much.

If I don't find them soon, I feel like I'm going to have a break down.

"Sir, I'm trying to locate them, but they've hidden theirselves pretty well," says my P.A.

"I don't care how fucking good they've hidden. I want them found, and I want them found now."


"No. Don't call me till you get news."

And with that I hang up.

When I find them, I can damn sure promise that it won't be nice.

I won't go easy.

I won't call t he police.

I handle everything my self.

I will protect Scarlett with my life. She deserves to be free, and to roam and do what she wants.

And right now she's limited, but she won't be for long.

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