he didnt mean it (hes sorry)

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I dont think he realized It, nor did he care because he was hurt and driving away scared
I was crossing the street mom, and I swear I looked both ways and I saw him coming, but I started walking anyway.
You always told me that I should let the car go first because cars are powerful, cars have a larger worth.
Though my life was much more valuable that getting asay,  mom, he didnt mean it I swear I saw him yesterday. And he was crying over her grave wishing he was there.
His vision was blurred from all of his tears, and I understand cuz how could she do that after all those years,
Of him telling her he loved her and her saying nothing back and she knew,  she would be gone soon enough.
Mom though I knowthat your upset with him for taking away your baby.
Can you send him some mercy cuz he just just lost his too.
Mom it was so scary when they put me in that van, cuz I know that youd want to be there just to hold my hand.
And I know that you may miss me but he misses her too.
She had left him just as I left you, he knows just how you feel so be dont hard on him. Cuz god he took away your baby. But kniw that got had teaking away his baby too.
Mom I will stay and hold your hand at night, just please. Im begging you to,
Send him some mercy his in.pain too. I know he hates himself for killing me it just he didnt see it until was too lage momma, he didnt mean it.
And he says that he is sorry. For not looking as he drove through the intersection that night. He wants me to tell uou that its hard to say but he really disnt mean to di what happened yesterday.
Mom hes leaving you and he cant stop mom its too late, pls dont cry. Mom its too late im sorry that we've died.

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