Chapter One

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Heyy guys! So, I'm not going to keep you long. All I ask is to help me get more readers. And I'd like to get some feedback, ya'know?

Also, I just wanna say that if you ask me to read your stories, I will! Just putting that out. Okay, I won't keep you. I'll let you read now!<3


                                                                            Olivia's P.O.V.

   I paced back and forth in my bedroom, cluthching my cell phone in my hand trying to gather as much courage as possible to call Scotty.

   Two weeks has passed since I found out I was pregnant. The only people who knew was my mom, dad, and brother and sisters. No, not Scotty. I'm not sure I can tell him.

   You have to tell him.

   No, I don't.

   I kept talking to myself in my mind, debating on whether I should call or not.

   Before I knew it, I had dialed Scotty's number and he answered on the fourth ring.

   "Hello?" Scotty's voice sounded tired, probably due to it only being ten A.M.

   "Oh. Sorry, I forgot you would still be sleeping. Should I call back later?" I continued to pace back and forth.

   "No, it's fine. I'm awake now. What's up?"

   "Can you come over?"

   "Sure. I'll be over soon."

   "Thanks. Bye." I hung up the phone and stood up, going downstairs.

   My mom and dad were downstairs in the kitchen putting breakfast on the table.

   "Scotty is coming over," I stated, sitting down at the table grabbing a chocolate chip muffin.

   "Are you going to tell him?" My dad asked, giving me a glass of juice.

   "Yeah, I guess so. You two know that we can't move," I said, taking a sip of my orange juice.

   "Well, why can't we move?" asked my dad.

   "You are aware that I am pregnant, right? We just can't up and move, because I'm sure that Scotty won't wanna move either. He probably wants to stay here and finish up highschool. Not tag along with his pregnant best friend who's baby so happens to be his. And if you're thinking that I stay here and you guys move, it won't be happening."

   Just then, the doorbell rang and I heard the door opening and then close again. Scotty and my fourteen year old brother, Trey, walked into kitchen.

   "Hi, Scotty. Grab you something to eat. I made plenty," my mom said, reaching out and giving him a quick hug like she always does. Scotty smiled at her and sat down at the table just grabbing a glass of juice.

   "No, thanks, Mrs. Holden. I already ate this morning." Scotty turned to me. "So, I was thinking maybe we could go to the park if you want?"

   "Yeah, sure. We can go. I'm ready whenever you are." I pushed my chair back from the table and stood up, setting my glass in the sink. Scotty did the same.

   "Yeah, lets go." He waved to my parents. "Bye. See you later." He smiled and walked out in the living room with me close behind. He opened the door and walked out, me still behind him. I shut the door behind me and then fell in step beside Scotty.

   We walked in complete silence unti we reached the park. I walked over to the swings and sat down on one.

   "So, we need to talk, Scotty." I looked away from him.

   "Okay, about what?" He sat down on the swing next to mine.

   "S-scotty.. See, the thing is, I'm... p-p-pregnant."

   "What? Are you sure?"

   "Yes. I took a pregnancy test two weeks ago. Then I went to the doctors. And I'm pregnant." Scotty stood up and his face was red from anger.

   "You knew about this for two weeks and you didn't tell me?"

   "Yeah, because I was scared."

   "Take care of it, then!" He looked at me, yelling.

   I teared up. "What do you mean 'take care of it'? Are you suggesting I get rid of it?!" I stood up, yelling back at him.

   "Well, yeah! I don't want the baby!"

   "Did it ever occur to you that I want this baby? Please, Scotty! I'm not asking for us to be together or anything. I just want your help." I grabbed his arm looking into his eyes.

   "Yeah? Well, did it ever occur to you that I want a baby with my mate when I find her? Not with my best friend." He jerked his arm from my grip. "I'm sorry, I'm not helping because I don't want it."

   "Scotty... Please. Your like my brother. The baby doesn't have to know you as its father. Only uncle Scotty."

   "No, Olivia! I've gotta go. I've got plans." He left me standing there, crying my eyes out on the swing.

   I don't know how long I stayed like that, but next thing I knew that my brother Charlie, who is seventeen, was carrying me home.

   He carried me in the house and up to my bedroom, laying me on my bed where I curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out. For this baby that was going to be fatherless, for the girl who just lost her best friend, and for the girl who was going to be a single mother.  

   Hours later, I don't know what time it was, but my mom came to my room and sat on my bed next to me. She rubbed my back and whispered soothing words to me.

   "Wanna talk about it?" She asked me, still rubbing my back.

   I nodded and sat up in bed, laying my head on her shoulder. "H-he didn't want it. He told me to 'take care of it', meaning to get an abortion because he wouldn't help me. He doesn't want it because he wants to have a baby with his mate when he meets her. I said he didn't have to be in the baby's life as the father, only as uncle Scotty. But he said no. He wouldn't help." I stopped for a moment and then went on talking. "I just lost my best friend. I am going to be a single mother. But most of all, the baby is going to be fatherless. It was already going to fatherless, except it would have had its father in its life, but only as an uncle. But now, the baby won't have its father in its life." I stopped talking, not sure of what to say now. And through all this, my mom just let me talk without interrupting me.

   "I'm so sorry, sweetie. You know, you don't have to keep it. There is always adoption. You don't have to, I don't want you to, but it is only a suggestion."

   "But I want to keep it! This is my baby. No one else's baby. I'm keeping it, and that's final. So what if Scotty doesn't help? He can't help if he wanted to. Because there is no way I will be staying here just to face him everyday and know that he ditched me and this baby."

   "Are you wanting to move?"

   "Yeah, I think I do."

   "I'll talk to your father about it. He's wanting to check out a few more packs, just in case there is something better."

   "Oh, okay." I looked down and played with my fingers.

   "Get some sleep. We'll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight, sweetie." She kissed my head and then walked out.

   I tried going to sleep, but I just couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about Scotty. Couldn't stop thinking about this baby. Couldn't stop thinking about how I'll be a single mother.

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