Chapter 2

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Riley's Point of View

"Whoa there Max!!" I said cautiously. Once I got home I opened the door only to be greeted by my huge golden retriever almost knocking me down to the floor.

"You missed me boy?" I cooed ruffling his honey colored fur. He happily started running around in circles barking quiet loudly.

"Shhh Maxi don't want to wake up the grumpy neighbor's now do we?" I said crouching down to his level.

He whimpered disappointedly and laid down on the floor wagging his tail waiting for me to move. Sighing and running a hand through my dirty blonde hair I straightened myself up. I went to the kitchen and threw my keys onto the marble counter top. I got out a mug and started making a hot chocolate, while it was in the microwave I poured some kibble into Max's food bowl. At the sound of the food clinking with the metal of the bowl Max's head popped out and looked into the kitchen he saw that his bowl was full and scurried to it and scarfed down his food in less than two minutes. The microwave beeped and I took out the steaming cup of chocolate out and set it out to cool down for a minute. I went to my bedroom to change out of my uniform and into some pajamas which consist of just an oversized shirt and of course underwear I'm not one of those people that walk around completely naked. Going back to the kitchen I picked up the mug and jumped up onto the counter and started swinging my legs back and forth sipping the hot chocolate slowly warming myself up from the horrible weather outside outside.

My apartment has a pretty vintage feel to it I really don't like the look to things these days all modern and sleek. (Apartment: I hop off the counter and stroll into the living room, I find what I'm searching for and stalk towards it. Turning on my old turntable my grandmother left me I grabbed my favorite Pink Floyd record, their single Money, and put it on. (Turntable:

The quiet hum of the band's voices filled the room as I lowly hummed along with the song. I finished my hot chocolate and set the mug on the coffee table. Stretching and yawning I lay down on the couch. I noticed Max coming out of the kitchen and glance around looking for me.

"Come on Maxi, up," I yawned patting the small space next to me. He happily yipped and scrambled his way towards the couch jumped up next to me turning around two times before settling down his head right up to my chest. I draped my arm over his back and snuggled into his warm fur and drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Sorry its short guys...

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