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So, the option you guys chose was:

Michael shows her how to work the computers and file the paperwork!

You're all boring. 😂 Just kidding. I love you guys. 😂❤️ Let's do this thang. :3


After our brief moment of eye contact, Michael proceeds to move towards his computer. He sits down at his desk, logging in to his professional account. "Okay, I'll show you how to do the basics. Y'know, the technical stuff."

"Right," I answer in clarification, taking a seat by his side. "The technical stuff."

"It's fairly simple, really," he evaluates, clicking into a random spreadsheet. "This is where we keep track of sales; profits and losses. You get it, so far?"

"I got it," I assure him, my eyes scanning over the page. "You keep track of the money side of stuff on there."

"That's essentially it," he feeds back, clicking on a few things. He begins to type some numbers into one of the cells in the spreadsheet. "This section is for tallying up sales. It's fairly simple to work out once you look at the other figures." For a moment, I watch him type in today's figures, seeing the total number at the bottom light up green. "The green number means we've made a profit. If it's blue, we've broken even. If it's red, we've made a loss."

"Have you ever made a loss?" I question, for no apparent reason.

He chuckles a little. "Yeah, once or twice. Can't say the boss was very happy with that, but you can't have perfect days every day ... right?"

"Of course not."

He then slides his chair away from the desk, allowing the wheels on the underside to roll him over to the shelves behind us. "Now, you gotta learn the paperwork side of things."

"Okay." To catch up to him, I stand up from my chair and walk over to the area he's sat in.

"It's also pretty easy to do," he explains, selecting a file from the shelves and opening it. "Each binder is for a month of the year. We review each binder at the end of the year to evaluate which month had the highest peak in sales. Right now, all paperwork goes in—" He chooses another file from the shelf. "—This binder."

"And what paperwork goes in there?" I ask curiously.

"Well, contracts from customers, of course," he starts to elaborate, slamming the binder shut, and sliding it back into its place. "And also, we print off the spreadsheets to keep a physical copy of them. That way, if the computer decides to mess up, we will still be able to keep track of the business."

"That's a good idea," I smile.

"It is, isn't it?" he asks rhetorically, turning to look at me once again. "So, now that's all done, perhaps we should call it a night. We can run through this again tomorrow."

"Okay. Thanks for staying behind for me," I beam, to show my appreciation.

"It's nothing. But hey – do you have to be back home for anybody? Or are you free tonight?"

"Well, I think I'm free," I answer, shrugging a little. "Why?"

"Well, whenever someone new joins our little team, I like to make them feel welcome, y'know? I normally take them out for a drink, so we can get to know one another." He looks a little nervous as he explains this, the reason unknown.

"Well, that's polite of you." Collecting my stuff together, I follow him out the office door.

"So, would you be willing to?" he offers, closing and locking the door behind him.

After a moment of hesitation, I answer. "Well ... "


You decide what happens next!

Option 1. She politely declines as she's tired, but makes a vow to do it at the weekend instead.

Option 2. She accepts after much persuasion from Michael.

Option 3. She accepts instantly.

Option 4. She declines, explaining that she doesn't trust men in bars after 9:00pm.

Option 5. You create your own response!

Admittedly, option four is a little silly. xD But I wanted to add a random one in.

Have fun voting! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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