The Calm Before the Storm- Part Three

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Loki grinned. Midgard was so....exciting! Ratatosk had dropped him in a mountain range, and while he could have teleported to the city below, he wanted to enjoy the view!

He lackadaisically walked down the path, a simple glam changing his hair color to a dark brown. His face grew thicker, as did his whole body, and his eyes turned brown. Good, thought Loki, now I look like a normal human being. Time to mingle. His bright Vanir clothing changed color to a forest green. Sif's battlestaff simply vanished.

He strode in through the city gates, looking around. This city was magnificent! It was nearly the size of Asgard's front courtyard! Compared to the villages these people had had last time Loki had visited, they were massive.

He needed to find something for his mother. Some thing to cheer her up. Hmm... mused Loki. A rare plant? Or an animal, or a piece of jewelry. Loki glanced around the broad, newly paved cobblestones and ducked into a small shop, tucked into a small corner.

As he entered, a soothing, peaceful feeling draped over his mind.  He felt himself relax. He should have been worried...but it was so calm. He had been tense ever since he had started this journey, yesterday, and he was just so exhausted. He could just explore for a while. Surely there'd be no harm in that.

The soft smell of incense filled the air. Several candles burned in wrought iron holders on tables. There were a few altars to various gods in the shop, with offering laid before them. In addition, dried herbs and growing ones dotted the shelves, along with mixtures and poultices. Loki let his glam fade. His shorter red hair fell across his face, and his eyes regained their natural deep blue.

Loki poked along the shelves, searching for anything his mother would like. The soothing nature of the shop wrapped around his weary soul, and relaxed even further. He found a plant with beautiful red and green mixed flowers, and he began to examine it. He didn't recognize it, but that didn't mean much. He didn't love plants the way his mother did.

A voice spoke from behind him. "May I help you?" Loki turned. The speaker was a fair, blonde hair woman. She had green eyes, and long blonde hair. She was wearing a yellow dress.

Loki  smiled at her. He had no idea that unlike his normal smile, this smile was one of utter peace, rather than his usual, mischievous smile. "And who are you, beautiful one?" She smiled shyly. "My name is Sigyn." Loki lifted her had to his lips, and grazed her knuckles. "Sigyn. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

Sigyn giggled. She didn't know who this tall stranger was, but he certainly was charming. She, however, made an effort to ignore her fluttering heart.
"And who might you be?" She inquired. 

Loki did what he did best. He bent the truth, if only a little. "I'm...Lokir." Her brow furrowed. "Lokir...named for Loki? God of thieves, liars, and social pariahs? Loki Wildfire?"

Inwardly, Loki reflected on the truth of that statement. If only you knew, Sigyn...."

"ahh, well, I'm not sure why my mother named me that. I like to think it was more about me growing up to be a dashing stranger, I would hope, than a common criminal."

Sigyn blushed. "I didn't mean to, I mean, I would never- oh bother, now I've done it." she said breathlessly.

Loki smiled again, and waved it of. good-naturedly. "No problem at all."

Sigyn still looked a little embarrassed , but she didn't mention it again. "My have you come to my shop?" She gestured sound her. "I have quite the collection of herbs and remedies. I grow then myself."

Loki looked around them. He had assumed she had simply bought them and then prepared them. If she had grown them, that was truly impressive. "I'm looking for something for my mother. "

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