Percy Jackson ~ Son of Kronos

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New story! Percy Jackson, the Son of Kronos! Hope you all enjoy it!

Mount Olympus - Winter solstice

**Third person POV**

All the gods were arguing with each other. Poseidon was fighting with his rival Athena, Apollo was arguing with Artemis who was 'younger' then him. Hephaestus was fighting with Ares over Aphrodite, while Aphrodite was applying her makeup to her face. Dionysus was reading a wine magazine, Hestia was there stroking the Hearth, Hermes was arguing with his snakes, George and Martha. Hera was sitting there watching everyone. Demeter was yelling at Hades to socialize more and eat more cereal. The demigods were sitting off to the side. Bored as ever.

"SILENCE!" thundered Zeus.

Some demigods jumped out of seats, some flinched, the others just watched in amusement. The gods got immediately quiet.

"For this winter solstice.. We have more important matters to deal with then arguing with each other." said Zeus.

"Like what?" asked Athena.

Zeus looked at Poseidon because he only told his brother what was happening. He then took a deep breath. "Kronos is rising."

With those three words, all Hades broke loose and everyone started screaming. Demigods were running around, Gods were arguing, but some gods and demigods were just sitting back watching in amusement,

"QUIET!!" this time it was Hera who yelled. "Like Zeus had said, We have more important matters to discus. And I do believe that Kronos has another child.."

Aphrodite, who was looking at herself in her mirror, put her mirror down for once and joined the conversation. "What do you mean Kronos has another child? Is he hot?"

"What I mean," started Hera. "Is that he somehow has another child. And how should i know if he's hot?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

Athena had on a thinking face. "This means he could somehow get the child to work for him."

Ares was next to talk. "Doesn't matter! I could defeat him in a few seconds!" he boasted.

Hestia looked up from the hearth. "Ares, What Athena means is that, the boy won't know which side is bad or not. If Kronos were to somehow trick him into believing we were the evil ones, the boy would immediately join his side. We can't just kill him if he doesn't know the truth." she said.

"So we will capture the boy?" Artemis ask, putting venom in the word boy.

"I don't think we should d---" Hermes started but got cut off by Athena.

"The boy is too dangerous. Once he joins his father's side It'll be difficult to win this war." she said.

"But not hard to kill." Ares mumbled.

"Stop jumping to killing Ares. It might kill you instead." Apollo said muttering the last part. Unfortunately Ares heard because he glared at Apollo.

"Apollo is right Ares so stop glaring at him." said Poseidon. "He's also Zeus , Hades and my half-brother, so we could somehow convince him to join our side instead."

"Like that will happen. He will join his father right away without a thought! He has never met his father before and he will be overjoyed to meet him that he won't realize that he's on the wrong side!" Athena snapped.

"But we can still negotiate with him." said Apollo.

"Apollo, stop arguing with us. We will not negotiate with a son of Kronos!" Artemis scowled.

"But It's wrong! He's only six years old! You can't kill him, let alone, Capture him! He'll freak out! What about his mother? What are we going to do about the mother? We can't just killed the mother!" Apollo yelled shooting a glare at his sister.

"That's the sad part Apollo." said a cold voice.

Everyone looked towards where the voice was located. It was the Lord of the Dead, Hades. Not a big surprise from a cold, deathly voice.

"What do you mean?" Apollo asks with a questioning look.

Hades looked over to Apollo. "What I mean is that his mother is already dead. She got killed this morning. I can sense death remember?" he says sadly.

"What?! How is his mother dead! He's only six years old! The fates are cruel!" he yells, wide-eyed.

"Brother, Aren't you the god of Prophecy and truth? Can't you sense the truth? Can't you already see part of the future?" asked Artemis.

"Of course I can sense the truth! and what he's saying IS true! What I can't believe is that six year old all alone without parents! Kronos will easily get him now!" he exclaimed.

"Then It's settled." said Zeus. Everyone god and demigod looked at him. "We will take a vote. All gods and demigods will vote if we will get the boy or.. negotiate with him." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Raise your hand for the capture of the boy."

Most of the gods and demigods raised their hands.

"Now raise your hand for the negotiate with him."

A few demigods and the remaining gods, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Hermes and Apollo raised their hands.

"Then It's settled. We will capture him and bring him to olympus. Artemis, you and your hunters will go searching for him. Everyone else do what you can to find him! and demigods, if you see him enter camp, bring him immediately to olympus." he said. "This meeting is over." He says while he flashed out of the room. Soon the other gods and goddess flashed out. The demigods got up and started leaving to their camp. Only the gods that wished to negotiate with the son of Kronos stayed.

"What are we going to do now." they asked each other.

New story! Percy Jackson, Son of Kronos! Seeing Percy as a son of Kronos brings interest to me so, why not write a Percy as a son of Kronos story? The ones that I have read never get updated. And my favorite one got deleted which made me upset. That author deleted their whole account and his stories were so good! Now I can never read his stories ever again. Only part of his story is in my memory so I can't really do anything about it. That makes me kind of upset so.. JUST ENJOY THE STORY IF YOU CAN.


Your friend,


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