Going To Japan

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I was rushing past the crowded streets of people. Not daring to look back at the horrid that might await me. I placed my hoodie over my head in hopes that it might, just might, conceal me from their sight. I'm scared, yes me. Not of death, but of the possibility of everyone I love getting shot and captured because of me. But now there's no one left. No one but me. The last one to carry out their will. 

I can hear the hitmans, hired to assassinate me call my name in the distance. "Nasuni!" I even felt at one point that I should die. Be with the others. But I could hear the desperate calls of my dead nakama* calling out to me to keep moving on. Finally I set foot on the plane, having barely escaping their sight. I was on my way to Japan.

Nakama - Friends/Comrades

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