A New Me

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Please never walk out of sight,
Least, take away all your might,
Because I always lived for today,
Ignored the fact of a better tomorrow,
Scared I would not make it if I tried,
Failure tracked me down, tortured and destroyed me,
Don't even know if I can get pass this.

I hear your voice and see you in my dreams,
I know you want to help but I don't know if I am ready,
Its such a big step,
I want to take it but I can't,
My mind wouldn't let me,
I am so used to failure that I always fear the worst,
I wish I was back to my childhood,
Because children do not fear,
They move by instincts and forget the consequences,
I have got to set my mind straight.

I have nothing to lose,
Why then am I still afraid,
I have nothing,
Lost everything due to fear,
I have heard about you,
And I know how you can change my life,
I need a new me,
I heard you are the master planner,
And you keep people believing and going,
Till they reach their desired end,
Take control of me,
And lets get the job done.

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