part 2

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So I think u all r teased a lot
Its fun to see u all teased
So now let's read to know what's their relation😉😉

Ishita is in garden, she is holding a flower, she bends n takes its fragrance, a smile appears on her face
Abhi is looking at her with broad smile
Ishita-so Abhi whats it that makes u so happy tell me
Abhi goes near her ears n says something
Ishita is dumbstruck
Ishita-Abhi, He really said that to u? He really, I mean he …
Abhi (excited)-Yes Di yes Raman said it he told me he loves u Di n wants to marry u
Ishita (unconvinced)-Abhi is he doing this because of some pressure?
Abhi is nervous
Abhi-No y do u feel so
Ishita-Abhi I need to meet him

(so friends yes Abhi n Ishita r bro n sis n yes Raman wants to get married to Ishita, good guess)

Raman is sitting with his hand on his head
Nurse-Mr Bhalla who is Abhi please call him patient is repeatedly taking his name

Raman is unable to react
Abhi comes there
Abhi-Yes sister am here I will come in n talk to her
Abhi enters Mihika’s room
He holds her hand
Abhi (gently)-Mihika I love u yes I do, Am sorry I have hurt u alot, mihika please open ur eyes, I want to marry u please mihika mihika mihika
I love u I love u

Raman looks on with moist eyes
mihika moves slightly
Raman gets hopeful
He calls doctor,

Doctor checks Mihika
Doctor-Patient is responding its good, Mr Abhishek please be here patient needs u
Abhi nods

Toshi n Mr Bhalla come rushing to hospital
Raman is buying medicines
Toshi (tear eyed)-putaar mihika where is she what happened where is she
Raman-Ma I will take u to her please calm down

Toshi n Mr Bhalla see mihika from outside n r getting emotional to see her
Raman pacifies them

All r in lobby of hospital
Doctor-Mr Bhalla, mihika has gained consciousness u can meet her
Raman takes sigh of relief
Toshi-Rab da sukar Hai

Mihika is looking in Abhi’s eyes he is holding her hand
mihika-Abhi promise me u will never me I cannot leave without u
Abhi-Promise jaan

Raman, Toshi n mr Bhalla enter

Raman-mihika mihika how r u
mihika-bhai am perfectly fine, ma papa u came from Delhi for me am fine relax

Toshi hugs her n cries
mihika-ma no tears now please, now only happiness ma now u make marriage preparations Abhi n I r getting married

Toshi smiles
Abhi takes Mr Bhalla n Toshi’ s blessings, They hug him
Raman looks on with smile


Ishita is sitting Raman comes
Ishita-Hi how is mihika?
Raman-Fine n Very happy Ishita actually I called u here because actually
Ishita-yes say Raman

Raman crosses his fingers
Raman-I want to marry u Ishita n lets get married n that too before mihika’s marriage

Ishita is stunned
Ishita-Raman Raman u want to marry me I mean Am….Raman y do u want to spoil ur life by marrying me?

Raman-Ishita we r great friend s we know eachother n n n I want to marry u

Ishita-Raman please think once more
Raman-Ishita do u have problem with this marriage
Ishita-No I mean I feel r u getting married to me because of any pressure
Raman is confused
Raman-No Ishita, its my decision I will come home tom with ma papa n talk about our Alliance

Ishita smiles

There is more to be revealed
Next update would be shocking one
Might be u all beat me with chappals
Vote nd comment😉😍😍😍

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