Chapter #4

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I chased a receipt blowing in the wind for 2 blocks. I needed a piece of paper to write down my thoughts. In order I wrote down everything I needed to accomplish my first few days here.

Shelter (Hotel? Apartment?)

A Job


Other necessities.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to pay weekly at a hotel and keep up with it without a job. So an apartment sounded like the best option. I found a hot dog cart since at this point i'm starving. I asked the man where the nearest apartment building looking for tenants was. turns out there was one on top of the pizza delivery place 1 block away. The unique thing about this city was with each step there came different smell. Some were good, others were revolting. The smell of pizza toppled the rest the closer I got. Megopopalis Pizzeria, home. I took a deep breath and stepped through the door. I walked up to the cashier counter, and rang the bell to call an employee. A guy with deep green eyes and simple blond hair emerged. I immediately felt embarrassed as I looked like a walking trash bag. With my muggy brown eyes and scruffy and dirty blonde hair, I felt inferior. On top of that I was wearing sweatpants and a stained hoodie.

He started to address me "Welcome to Megopopalis how may I help you," A smile appeared on his face showing perfect white teeth. I blushed "Hi sorry I am just here to see the apartment for rent." "Ok Blushy i'll go get the landlord," he winked and smiled. Well ok then. Minutes passed and a guy with a huge mustache, and a plaid shirt appeared. He slipped me a piece of paper, "read the top fill out the bottom." I took the paper to a table nearby;

Dear Future Tenant,

This is the contract he/she must sign to move in. The apartment is 750 dollars a month. Rent is due on the 3rd of the month NO EXCEPTIONS. There is one type of apartment a one bed room one bath. This comes unfurnished, but can come with a couch for an additional 100 dollars on first months rent. No apartment comes with a garage, but there is designated parking in the back. Rules include; No pets except small fish. There is only a 10 people allowed in the apartment max. And 4 people allowed to live in the apartment at a time. No loud activities (vacuuming, blaring music, etc.) during Megopopalis hours. After hours do whatever you want. Rent that is late will result in immediate removal from your apartment. No drama in the restaurant is allowed (aka don't bring any significant others/friends/relatives into the establishment and cause drama in front of customers) . Anyone who chooses break the rules will be removed from he/she place of living. This lease is to be cancelled or renewed every 6 months.

I read through everything and it seemed fine for now, and 6 months isn't to long of a commitment. I filled out my name and age and everything else you put on these kinds of forms! I was a home owner!. I put my paper on the desk. "Ok lady i'll call you when I review your paperwork. Have a nice day." The owner scratched his head burped and walked away. What. I need somewhere to stay tonight. I sat down and began to shed tears. I couldn't sleep outside, ill get raped or shot. The green-eyed boy came from behind the counter and sat with me.

"Hey don't worry the apartment has been empty for ever and the last tenants were horrible. You will definitely get the place." I sobbed even more, " I need the place tonight! I can afford it I'm not homeless or anything, but I don't have anywhere else to stay."

The green-eyed boys face turned sad, "I wish I could invite you to my house, but I don't know you and you could be a murderer." That made me smile. "Hey, i'll make you a deal if I let you sleep here tonight. Not upstairs but at the table or booths or something. Then you have to take care of my cat when I go on vacation." I said " I would but we can't have anything other than a fish." He smiled, "Well I guess i'll have to get a fish for you to watch instead." I laughed harder than I ever have. "Deal?" "Yeah...its a deal." He grabbed my hand and shook it. I walked to a booth and ripped my hoodie off. I was just wearing a tank top. "Hey what are you doing," He asked confused. Don't I have to right to be comfortable in my own bedroom, " I laughed. "Ok Good night..." "It's Luna, my name is Luna." I smiled, my past was my past and so was my name. It was the past. Besides i've always loved the name Luna. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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