Two centuries and a year.

25 1 0

Early Germany, Münster.
The atmosphere was murky, a thick fog shrouding the arrays of dark purples and reds that painted across the canvas sky. The street full of the familiar melodic tones of Gene Austin songs and clacking sounds of the heels worn by women in their tightest corsets, reddest lipstick and fanciest ivory pearls as they draped on the arm of their burly men.

The tall man scurried through the busy street of the night, weaving between bodies with a mission printed on his face. Waistcoat buttoned across his stomach, tailcoat hanging behind him as he arrived outside of the Vierzehn diner— looking up at the large sign before him as if it was all that he could see. Tonight was the big night.

Swinging the door open, Baldemär was instantly hit by the ambience. Music blaring, lights dimmed and couples sat across from each other— locking eyes as if the room was empty. His own emerald optics examined the diner, watching the way men had so blatantly been ogling at other women. The male shook his head in disbelief, a soft chuckle falling from his lips as he dug his rather large hand into the pocket of his best black dress pants, slowly pulling out a black box and bringing it to his eye line. Slowly opening it, the light instantly caught onto the pure diamond ring that was revealed.

His long legs striding up and down the pathway of the diner as he shoved the box back into his pocket before making his way to the back entrance, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his other pocket once he was in the alleyway. "Verdammte frau. Always late." He muttered as he placed the snout between his lips, box of matches in his hand as he swiped it across the sandy texture of the side and held it up the the tip of the cigarette.

It was then that he saw it...

Dropping the lit match and the cigarette falling from his lips, he stood on them both unintentionally as he squinted his eyes in attempt to see what was happening in front of him. The alleyway was caliginous and the street lights were dim, causing his eyes to only register two silhouettes— one of which was slightly smaller and more dainty than the other. His eyes adjusting to the darkness as he walked closer, the man's jaw dropped and all he saw was red.


A slight tremble in his voice as he called out the woman's name in hope that his eyes were deceiving him, his skin crawling and anger seething deep within him. Something had instantly snapped in him— a crack of thunder burst throughout the sky, reflecting how his heart felt. The rain fell like bullets onto his skin, causing his slicked-back hair to fall onto his face as his body shook from both fury and the bitterness of the cold.

Without thinking, the man dug into the pocket of his dress pants and threw the black box at the couple that were fraternising next to the dumpster. His fists clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white and without warning he punched he brick wall next to him— Zeta instantly jumping, a small cry falling from her lips that was shortly followed by tears trickling down the soft skin of her cheeks, yet was hard to see because of the rain.

"Vis..." She began but was interrupted by another hard blow to the wall from Vision. "My love, please." She spoke a little louder this time, more urgent as she shoved the male's body off of hers and hurried to the front of her man. Her rosy, tear-stained cheeks were more apparent now. The blackness of her eye makeup ran down her face as if she was a sad painting. "Get. Away." Vision muttered through gritted teeth, the skin on his knuckles were contused and torn, blood dripping down his hands and the moisture of the rain causing it to sting— though nothing hurt more at this moment than the sensation that settled in the left side of his chest.

Zeta rushed forward towards Vision's chest, only to be pushed away without hesitation— the woman falling to the floor in a puddle of the rain and her tears. Her dress scuffed up and dirty as she kneeled, begging for his forgiveness yet was unable to look him in his broken and hurt dark, green eyes. "I want to marry you. I love you. Please, meine geliebte." She pleaded on her knees, clothes soaked and guilt welling up inside of her.

A chuckle fell from Vision's lips, a disgusted  and scornful chuckle. Rain dripping down the centre of his lips as he let out a slight breath to blow it off. "Good luck." He muttered in disdain before turning on the heels of his feet and hauling his body away— fists still clenched and smeared with blood that had blended with rain and remnants of the brick's dust.

After hours of wandering the damp streets— thick, grey clouds settling overhead, the tall man finally found a bar that was still open even at the current time of 2:00 AM. Allowing himself to drop onto his seat, he ordered his repetitive rounds of the strongest liquor and tipped them back down his throat as if it was water— the thick liquid scorching his throat, yet he continued to push the sensation away with a simple squeeze of his eyes and slight coughs. Each sickening thought dissipating as another drink entered his body.

Vision pushed against the wooden bar to stand himself up, another individual bumping into him and causing him to drunkenly stumble and fall to the floor. "Hey, watch where the fuck you are stepping." He slurred, his accent thickly present through his raspy voice. Vision reached his hand up to grab onto the stool and pull himself up to a stand, following the man outside of bar. "Hey!" He called out to the man in a suit that was walking away from him. "Hey you! Who do you think you are?!" His own personal anger issues arising, the alcohol being a justification.

The man before him came to a halt and turned to face him but was in disbelief as Vision suddenly lifted his already bruised and battered fist, punching his jaw hard. The man, barely twitching, glared at the drunken mess of a man. His eyes were a deep crimson and lips curling up into a snarl as he locked his gaze onto Vision. With just one push of his right hand, the suited man sent Vision flying against the wall.

The sound of his back cracking echoed throughout the street as he dented the bricks of the building he was thrown into. In what seemed like a blink, the figure was now in front of him— grabbing Vision's loosened collar with one hand and lifting him up, only to throw him to the ground. His ribs snapping like twigs as he let out a wail of pain, his blood seeping out onto the concrete.

The dark-suited man buried his face between Vision's neck, a razor sharp sensation setting within him as his back weakly arched off of the ground— his screams unimaginable. Watching the silhouette stumble back before disappearing into the darkness of the street, Vision lifted his hand to his neck and felt the warm liquid almost pouring out. His body curled up on the empty street, rain falling onto his bruised body. Blood leaking from his neck as he continued to scream in excruciating and agonising pain— his body writhing as a feeling of deep fire coursed through his veins.

Just hours ago he was going to begin the rest of his life. Thoughts of regret ran rampant throughout his mind. He was going to get married, start a life and a family.

The man's eyes slowly fluttered to a close. The pain getting stronger and his body progressively getting weaker. Until finally...

.... His heart stopped beating.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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