The First Chapter

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠ this book touches on sensitive subjects such as cancer pleas do not read if this makes you uncomfortable I am sorry if I am not accurate with the feeling because I only know what it's like from the outside view. I hope u too never have to go through this yourself or anyone u know and love. Okai sorry u can read now if u want.

One month ago
Lilly I swear that clock is against me every time I look at it it has only gone a second I swear on it. The girl Lilly giggles at the silly proposal and continues writing. Her smile remaining until the image fades, growing more and more distant. 

The almost empty room quickly over flows with a cold chill making her heart feel heavier. The beeping she said the beeping was the worst bit it was almost patronising knowing that if the beeping dies down then the waiting would have been for nothing,the mumbled apologies were meaning less to her and Lilly nothing could undo the undoable damage. Nothing. Not even time. ⌚

The Metaphor For Her Monster (unfinished XD) Where stories live. Discover now