swimming with the quarterback

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(I do not own ed, edd, and eddy. Or any of the references. This is about rev Edd and Kevin)

A well known hang out spot for the peach creek high culdasack resadents was the ancient looking damed river about a half mile away. One hot evening the entire neighborhood was there

It was amazing really, how much everyone had changed in the years since elementary school. The girls had hit puberty and weren't nearly as annoying, and had actually gotten quite hot. Jimmy got his braces off and joined cheer with the girls-no surprise there. Rolf had gotten much stronger and body built while helping his nana on the farm. Johnny took a big interest in environmental protection and grew dreds. As for Kevin, he was the golden boy and star quarterback, with the body to boot.

But what was most astonishing was how different the Ed's were now. Eddy and his and schemes majored in business administration, Edd was still his chipper,chicken loving self and made top rung on the boxing team. But the strangest was double D. Now preferred to be called Edward. He still wore his same black beanie with the white stripe. But it hung low on his head casting a menacing shadow on his eyes, and all he ever wore was black jeans, his leather jacket, and a t-shirt. His body had become long and toned from being captain of the swim team.

Nazz, Sarah,and jimmy splashed in the refreshing water, ilumnated by Kevin's trucks headlights. Rolf shouted son a shepherd obscenities as he and johnny chased Victor along the river bank. And the ed's? They all hung out in the back of that old van they had hauled out of the junk yard and scrapped back together. While ed and eddy chatted away at the back Edward lounged in the open doors of the van a cheap beer dangled from his finger tips.

Kevin sat on the hood of his truck laughing his ass off as Jimmy wrestled the pig in a fuital attempt to help Rolf. When a sudden loud cracking silenced all the laughter at once. The only thing to break the eary silence was the humming of the two lone engines.

Ed and eddy jumped out first to see what was going on. Then Edward stepped out of the van like a beast hunting prey, a small dust cloud swirls around his foot. Glaring down the suspiciously still water surfice by the cement wall. Stepping out completely He glanced over the waters at the four, pausing for a moment when he met Kevin's eyes, furrowed in concentration as he stood atop the vehicle eyeing the waters.

Suddenly another thunderous crack! then Edward started barking orders. "Everyone out of the water! Now!" The water started rushing backwards as everyone looked at one another. Kevin slammed on the hood and began screaming as well. "You heard the man! MOVE IT!" At once everyone started moving out of the quickening rip-tide.

The ed's had stood haphazardly in the rapids ushering some other students and everyone out safety. Sarah frantically screaming as they all whipped around to see nazz's head drug backwards under water. Panic chaoticly began to insue as Rolf tried to dive after his girlfriend while Kevin, Jimmy and Johnny desperately held him back. Jim shouted over the thrashing waters. "You can't go Rolf!"

John "he's right man, you'll get swallowed up too!" Rolf jerked against the 3 young men.
"The son of a shepherd does not fear the splishy-splashouty of some water!" Kevin yanked back harder and punched him in the face screaming.
"Dude think of nazz! What if you die and she lives." Rolf fell to his knees gritting and holding his face. At that point the Ed's walked up led by Edward. He spoke with urgency breaking the argument.
"Hey jock head, farm boy. Circumstances indicate that if our movements are not accelerated,Nazz will perish. Kevin snatched Edward's collar.
"You sick bastard! What are you playing at!?" Edward sneered, an evil glint in his eye's. Coi words dripped from his lips. "You posess a winch on your automotive, do you not?"

Within seconds everyone was a clean mobalized unit. Kevin's truck as close to tha bank as possible. Kevin and Rolf the strongest of them all stood closest to the water. Kevin watched Edward out of the corner of his eye as he quickly peeled away all his layer, revealing a long toned swimmers body. All that remained on him was a pare of black pants, and his beanie. As as he shoved the articles at Jim he growled a warning. "Don't lose them".

As he stepped over to Kevin, Rolf argued against him going after Nazz. "Why does the sock headed ed boy go after Nazz!" Kevin glared at Rolf as he ran the metal chord over Edward's smooth skin. "Captain of the swim team." He spouted back. After securing it firmly around his waist, he looked the threatening shark in the eye. A cockie smile smile appeared on Edward's lips. "What's the matter pumpkin? Are you worried?" Shocked and a little embarrassed, at the urgent situation. He shoved by him and readied himself on the bank. "It will be on full release and we'll feed it in. So when your ready just tug a few times."
"Affirmative". He gave a sarcastic sailor salute. Then dove to the rushing dark waters.

The tension was suffocating as they all slowly fed more and more of the chord into the deep water. If felt like hours of feeding and everyone grew more worried by the second. Even ed soon realized.
"Eddy, shouldn't duba D come back now?" The sly man for once didn't have an answer. Kevin who heard focused on the rope but had a casual tone.
"Don't worry big guy. He'll be fine". He looked at Rolf who was intensely focused on the rope. Fear creeping quickly up his spine. When suddenly, it snagged. Everyone held their breath. Then it snagged again and again. Kevin screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Hit it!" All at once John literally kicked the winch into reverse, as Sarah floored the truck backwards, and everyone else pulled desperately, with lives depending on it. As muck sputtered at the group soon two heads burst forth to the surface.

Kevin helped a languishing Edward to the bank as Rolf deeply embraced a shivering and half naked Nazz. Kevin began to un-hook him. When the dam cracked again. Causing them both to be swept under the water.

Kevin pov.__________________

The water had sucked me and the dweeb in so fast, I couldn't breath. Literally I had no air in my lungs. The force of the water made me think I was going to be washed away to a watery grave, but something-someone held me like a vice. I managed to open my eyes in that God forsaken water to see Edward gritting his teeth in pain. He had wrapped one hand around with the wire that was now cutting deep into his forearm and wrist. While the other clung desperately to me.
      We were finally pulled back to the surface, far inland this time. Both coughing and wheezing. I could hardly sit upright with all the spots in my vision. I could make out the faintest figure of Edward standing, and heading to the truck. Then something warm and heavy dropped onto me. Then everything went black.
After I had blacked out, I came to in my room the next day. According to Sarah everyone had been taking shifts to watch me. Saying that they were told to make sure I kept breathing.

A couple days later at school the whole place was still abuzz with how Kevin had saved Nazz, how Kevin had realized what was happening with the dam, how Kevin warned everyone. No matter where I went that's all I had heard. So I asked Rolf what was going on. He said to ask Johnny. I found him in a compost pit, he said ask Nazz. Well you can see where this is going. It ended on Sarah. I caught her outside the guys locker room waiting for her brother. " okay shrimp. What's the deal?" I growled at her. She was leaning on the wall opposite the locker room door, glaring up at me.
"What do you mean?" She spat back angerly, ever the short temper this girl. " why is everyone saying I did those things. We all know it was-"
"Shut up!"she scream cutting me off. Sighing heavilyshe closed her eyes and tapped the back of hea head against the lockers. "Looki dunno whatsoever going on and I'm not at liberty to say." Just then the door burst open with ed excitedly tromping out swinging his bag screaming. "Hello dear baby oh sister of mine! Oh, HI KEVIN!" Sarah glared at ed. "Ed~ don't call me that, you stink! We need to get home!"
"Oh ok." He began to walk to the exit with Sarah slowly following but she looked back. "Kevin you need to cool down, go for a swim it should be open today."

Edward pov______

The next morning I proceeded to make my mornings and afternoon meal. However due to the prior evenings unfortunate and displeasureable events my collarbone and schouder have been pulled out of socket. Now I am forced to adorn this fucking infernal sling device that keeps my right arm plastered to my stomach, which keeps everything In place.

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