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love can be a beautiful thing but it can also be something that easily destroys you and leaves you broken forever, or another person arrives and fix your broken heart.

if you are lucky, you can find love and live happily or you can find it and be rejected by that person that you love so deeply. maybe you find someone else and that person loves you and doesn't hurt you or that person breaks you again.

you see, love is strange. it works in mysterious ways. you have to be careful with it because if you're not, you can break a person and that person might never be fixed again. that person might be so hurt that he or she doesn't even want to see the light of day ever again.

love is like having a crystal ball and dropping it and you leave the mess for somebody else to clean up. another person arrives and puts the pieces back together but the ball still has those cracks and they are a constant reminder of that person that hurt them so badly.

when you are falling in love, you have to be careful because you might be that person that ends up broken.

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