Happy Marriage

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If Frank was shocked about what I had told him about an hour ago, he didn't let it show.
He actually seemed amused about the fact that the guy who was throwing us out was part of my family.

We both didn't really know what to say as we walked around the park with each a pack of Chinese take-out in our hands.
After we didn't get anything to eat in the restaurant and I had promised Frank to get us something, we went to a small shop close to the local park to get some food. And now that we could both chew on some fried chicken, we decided to just search for a good spot to eat in the park.

The park was rather small so it didn't take all too long to find a wooden bench that was facing a playground.
I was a bit suprised to see that only one child was running around in the sand, shouting at his mother to watch how fast he could run. Usually you wouldn't be able to have a normal conversation because of all the kids screaming and laughing.

After we sat down on the bench we both ate in silence for a while.
I watched the mother of the little boy that was still running in circles for a while. She was grinning so wide that it almost looked painful and she had that look of never ending love on her face that only a mother could have. A smile appeared on my own face. She looked so happy, and so did her child.

"Do you want to have kids someday?" I almost jumped out of shock about Frank suddenly speaking.
I turned my head to look at him only to see that he was already facing me.
Maybe he had watched the mother and her kid too.

I had already forgotten what he had asked.
And it seemed like the look on my face gave me away, because Frank pointed over to the playground.

Oh right!

"Uhm," I said, thinking about it for a second, "Yes I think I would want kids one day. Would be cool I guess. To have mini versions of yourself running around the house."

"But you're gay. You can't have kids then," Frank pointed out.

I rolled my eyes.
"Adoption, duh"

"But then it wouldn't actually be a mini version of yourself. Because you're not related by blood, right? You wouldn't share the same DNA"

I rolled my eyes again.
"So what? Just because we don't have the same DNA doesn't mean I wouldn't love them any less. And they're going to be, how I raise them to be, so it doesn't matter that I'm not the real father"

Frank let out a huff.
"And in the end they're going to grow up gay"

I turned my whole body to face Frank.
"First of all I wouldn't care if my kid was gay or straight or whatever. They can be what they want to be. And secondly it's not true that kids adopted by gay people automatically grow up to be gay. Sure, a lot actually do, but not all of them"

"If that's what you think," Frank giggled, "come on, it's just a joke"

"I don't really think it's funny," I said and took another bite from my food.

Silence spread between us again.
This time I was the one to break it.

"How about you?" I asked.

"What about me?" Frank asked back.

"Do you want kids when you're older?"

Frank seemed to think about it a bit.
He had finished his meal by now and put his fork in the empty paper box which he placed next to himself on the bench afterwards.

"I don't know," he said, "but I don't really think so"

"Why not?" I asked further.

"Well first of all, kids are totally annoying," he started, and I actually had to agree. Sometimes kids actually were hard to handle.
"And having a kid with somebody just ties you to that person for your lifetime. I mean... If you marry somebody, you can easily get a divorce and it's as good as over again. But if you have a kid, a divorce doesn't really change anything. You can move away from each other as far as possible. You can refuse to talk to the other person ever again, but still, there's this little creature that will never let you forget about the mistake you've made."

I frowned.
What Frank had said sounded really... cruel to me.

"But what if the other person is the love of your life? Wouldn't it be cool to have something or somebody in that case who is the perfect mixture of the both of you?" I tried to make the topic sound as appealing as possible in the hopes to change Frank's mind.

But all I got was a chuckle escaping his perfect lips.

"Don't tell me you actually believe in that cheesy shit," he giggled and gave me a judging look afterwards.

"The love of my life? Of course I do! Who doesn't?" I said.

"Well I don't," Frank shrugged.

I gasped.
"Oh boy! That must be sad"

Frank looked confused.
"Why? I just don't want to spend the rest of my life with only one person, so what?"

"Okay I mean... I'm really looking forward to really settle down one day. To come home and have somebody waiting for you. That sounds pretty damn perfect to me. But it's okay if that's not the right thing for you, I guess," I shrugged.

Frank was quiet for a moment.
"Is same sex marriage even legal here?" he asked.

"I... Actually don't know," I had to admit. I'd never really thought about that to be honest.
What if I found the perfect man to marry but it wasn't even allowed?!

"Your stupid fantasies won't really work out if it's illegal," Frank said.

"They aren't stupid fantasies," I hissed, "and even if it was illegal... I could just... Go to another country. Somewhere it's legal. That's not the problem"

"Sure," Frank's voice was dripping with sarcasm, "I'm still not the guy for marriage"

I rolled my eyes.
That really didn't suprise me.

"Or monogamy in general," he added.

Frank Iero made himself appear worse with every second.
He should thank all gods that he was attractive enough to make up for the bad person he actually was.


You guys don't even know how excited I get when I see new comments on any of my stories.
Or how happy I get when I see that somebody added my story to any of their reading lists.

Seriously stuff like that actually gives me life.

Thanks for that

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