New School, New Life, New Rules

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AN: So, I'm going to see if this gets any hits and if it doesn't get a lot I'll just delete it.


It was a warm sunny day, just the way I wished everyday would be and I was packing to move away from home to my new school's campus. I was going to get a roommate and I was just so excited! Except I won't see my parents as much...


I've just finished packing all my brand-new text books and lowsy out of fashion clothing. I'm not really into fashion and the lastest 'hot' trends. They all scream 'SLUT RIGHT OVER HERE PEOPLE!' and that was not the message I was hoping for.

I was hoping more of a 'I'm a beautiful girl whose going to have a great future when I'm older' message but they didn't have clothes that gave out that message so I'm suck with these. Anyway I grabbed my heavy black suticase out of my dark navy blue coloured wall room and carried it downstairs to the kitchen where my parents were having a coffee.

"Honey, your growing up so fast."

"Mum! It's just a new high school! Nothing to do with growing up in any physical or emotional way that will affect my studies and age for that matter anyways."

My dad gives me a you don't understand look and then jumps into me and my mum's conversation that wasn't really going anywhere.

"No, you moving out with someone we don't know and just about to be a senior at high school in a new school will make you grow up. You could hang out with the wrong people and physically change by getting yourself a tattoo or start to wear slutty outfits. Then they may ditch you and you start to get depressed and change emotionally then-"

"Alright! I get it dad, but that won't happen. I'll always be daddy's little girl. Got it? That also goes for you too mum!"

They look at me for a while and there's an awkward slience between all of us until my mum nods her head and mumbles a yes. Dad soon follows with an 'of course darling'.

I know they're not satisfied and have convinced themselves I'm going to change, but they're wrong.

"Well this is it. I'm leaving, and we'll bearly see each other."

They both give me a small heart-warming smile.

"I'll, WE'LL miss you honey. Me and your dad. Have fun, stay educated and stay away from womanizing boys. Also the ones who are very bad. also-"

"I GET IT! I love you both. Well, this is good bye until I get a day off or a chance to see you."

"Yes it is. Bye my baby, I love you."

"Bye dad, I love you with all my heart too."

"Don't forget me honey. I love you so much. Good bye."

"Of course I haven't forgot you mum! Not yet, not ever! I love you with all my body-"

My dad coughs out a hint of jealousy before I can finish my sentence.

"I love BOTH of you with all my body. Good bye!"

I grab my suitcase and go out to see a car waiting to pick me up. It was one of the school's cars. Now for the story about why I'm moving schools.

I'm  very well educated and smart. I do what I'm told and proud of being called the teacher's pet. My name is Rebecca Paige but you can call me Becky. That's what the teacher's call me. It's their way of being cool.

Anyway I got a scholarship to when of the best schools in america. You have to be super rich to get in or else really smart. I'm really smart so that's why I'm moving schools. I live just out of Washington DC and I'm now moving there in the school's campus.  The school is in Washington DC, incase none of you got what I meant.

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