I can see no way

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Everything will start tomorrow.

A month full of laughing, singing, dancing, having fun, and just spending time together; like the old times. I have to enjoy the fact that this is just the beginning, because I'm sure that when it ends I'm going to break down in tears, and that it's going to take me a long time to recover.

It's 3 in the morning, I'm laying on the couch in front of the TV. Although my eyes are fixed on the screen, I'm not paying attention to what's going on; I don't even know what I'm watching. Tomorrow it's a big day, the whole team should be asleep right now; but I'm sure that I have higher chances of falling asleep here in the living room than there, in my room. 

My room will only make my nerves more painful, and my craving for the morning stronger. We don't get into the bus until tomorrow night, but we have to get up early because there's a lot of preparation needed. Right now, what I want more than anything, is to see my friends; more specifically, I want to see Joey. I don't know why. We've been spending a lot more time together lately. Meredith says that he has a crush on me; but she also said that Joe, Darren and Brosenthal had a crush on me when we were in college. So I don't really think it's true. 

Maybe I like Joey, I've been thinking about that a lot these days. I know that he can make feel things that no one else can make me feel. When I need someone to talk to, he's always there for me, and he always knows exactly what to say at the exact time. I know I will always be there for him, as friend, as a little sister, as anything he wants me to be. 

I'm not sure if I like him, maybe I'll never be sure. The only thing I know right now is that I want to see him. Him, and everyone else.  

The true reason of my exciment for the tour, is that I'm hoping we'll have as much fun as we had in college. I really miss those times. Of course, I'm excited about the fact that we're going on tour by ourselves, and we're going to perform in places we've never performed in, with people we've never performed with. But sometimes I kinda miss the old times. Times when we saw each other and worked together everyday, we were still studying and there wasn't much to worry about. When we finished college I was so scared we were going to grow apart. Luckily it didn't happen, but it was still different from before; and who knows? Anything can happen.

I realize that I'm sweating. Damn it, this always happens. I need to calm down, or my nerves will make me throw up, and I HATE throwing up. It has already been an hour, there's no chance I can fall asleep now.

I go upstairs and take a shower of cold water. I throw my wet pyjamas in the washing machine, and put on jeans, a black long-sleeve shirt, and a red sweater. I have no idea what to do now, so I'm just going go to the kitchen and find something to eat.


We're in rehearsal. Dylan has just finished singing "To have a Home", and now Lauren and I have to practice "Granger Danger". Actually, we don't have to practice this number, we've sung this too many times. I don't need to work on the song, I need to work on the fact that everytime I sing with Lauren, or sit next to Lauren, or even look at Lauren; heat rises up in my cheeks, I don't know what to say, and I forget how to breathe.

It's time. I have to go through this again. I managed to sing this song with Lauren without shouting my feelings to the whole world until today, this is the last rehearsal before the tour, I can do this.

I go, and sit next to her at the center of the room. I look at her, and she smiles. God, that smile. I will never get over this feelings I have for her. I know I'm staring at her but  I just can't look away. My stare doesn't seem to bother her so I just keep looking at her. Her beautiful brown eyes, her magical smile, her  tiny little nose.

My thoughts are interrupted by the music. It's time to sing.

-Here I am,

face to face, 

with a situation I never thought I'd ever see

It's strange how a dress

can take a mess

and make her nothing less than...

beautiful to me-

God I can't stop looking at her. She's too perfect, and she's starting to look at me in a weird way. Yeah, of course she is. I'm a creep singing a love song, sweating my balls off, without taking my eyes off her for a second. 

Oh no, the chorus is coming.

-...I'm falling in love,

falling in love,

falling in love...

I could be falling in love, 

falling in love,

falling in love...-

The music's still going, but I'm not singing. I forgot the lyrics, I want to say her name. I want to say her name so bad.

Eventually the music stops playing, I'm still staring at her. There's no one talking, she's looking at me with a confused face. Nobody knows what to say, I don't know what to say. All I want is the ground to eat me so I don't have to face this situation...

I suddenly wake up, panting and sweating. What a nightmare. Thank God, it was just a dream. I look to the right. It's 3 in the morning, I should be asleep, tomorrow is tour day. 

Lauren seems to be in my mind every second of the day, even when I'm sleeping. She must be asleep herself at the moment, or maybe not. She was really excited for tomorrow so she's proably going to stay up all night.

God damn it, I love her! I admitted that to myself a few months ago. No one knows, or at least no one has heard it from my mouth. But the guys can probably tell, I'm pretty obvious when it comes to girls. I'm just hoping Lauren doesn't know.

I'm only thinking about tomorrow. We'll meet in Julia's house (which is also Lauren's house) to get everything ready to go. She'll be so excited, I'll get to see that smile that makes everyone happy. 

I decide to grab my cellphone and headphones and listen to some music to distract myself. But, I forgot a teeny tiny detail... my brain hates me, because every single song reminds me of her.

I close my eyes and pay attention to Blink 182. Eventually I fall asleep with only one person on my mind.

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