Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine

"Adrianne Reed, do you take Xavier Lee as your awful wedded husband?"

I stared, incredulous, as my husband-to-be blinked in confusion next to me with his head cocked slightly to the left. A spatter of giggles and badly hidden coughs of amusement scattered through the crowd, of whose I could Alyssa's the loudest.

Xavier leaned forward ever so slightly. "It's lawful."

The priest, who had been in our parish so many years ago, took a moment to squint at the words in his book that looked like it weighed as much as he did. With a quiet 'ah', he went corrected himself, "Adrianne Reed, do you take Xavier Lee as your lawful wedded husband?"

Failing to hide a smile of both amusement and joyful glee, I murmured, "I do."

Xavier turned to beam at me - like seriously, beam, his face lit up like the sun, as though I would've turned him down now of all times - as the priest continued, "Xavier Lee, do you take Adrianne Reed to be your awful...err, lawful wedded wife?"

As his face morphed into an expression of satisfaction at having said it right, Xavier's immediate response came as a loud, strong, "I do."

That was when the his six year old cousin, the ringbearer came forth in a full three piece suit slightly too big for him and probably more expensive than the groom's, holding a simple pillow in his hands. On the small fluffy pillow were two rings tied together in place with a thin white ribbon. After some difficulty of freeing both of them some idiot tied with a double knot, I turned to the expectant, hopeful bridegroom with a shy, happy smile.

"I, Xavier Lee," he said softly with trembling fingers I knew was from the sheer anticipation of the day after dating for so long. "...take you, Adrianne Reed, to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honour you all the days of my life, until death do us part."

I've blushed before, but it was nothing compared to today, even with all the makeup on, and I was sure it was obvious even through the veil. Taking the second ring off the pillow, I slipped it onto his ring finger, with the same tremor his own had. "I, Adrianne Reed, take you, Xavier Lee to be my lawful wedded husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honour you all the days of my life."

As we stared into each other's eyes, however cliche that might sound, it was like reliving all the memories on replay in my head, from his confession when I was nine to 31st December 2012, to our first date, to his proposal to now, this special, momentous, memorable, unforgettable moment. "You may kiss the bride," the priest began, but Xavier had already begun unveiling me.

In the next second, his lips were on mine, and the crowd was cheering, but I could barely hear them due to all the blood rushing to my ears. Every time he kissed me, it was like heaven, like falling in love all over again and experiencing the sweet, innocent, light, brief first kiss between us behind the church. But now it felt different. Now it was beyond special, because now it was as a fully, officially married couple.

I could hear the priest's weak attempts at protests, but lifting my arms to his shoulders, I ignored him completely. Besides, it wasn't like I wanted to push him away.

When he finally did pull away though, he was beaming again, like the sun. I made a mental reminder to explain that this was exactly why I called him 'sunshine'. That sweet, wide, sincere, infectious, wonderful, playful, cheeky, mischievous smile that I knew so well.

Reaching out towards me with an outstretched hand, I took it without hesitation, and he led me out of the church amidst cheers and hoots, whistles and screams. I saw so many familiar faces, but the ones who stood out most were my own parents, hugging each other and crying happy tears, along with my screaming best friends. Funnily enough, I had imagined Zee as the last person to burst into tears but she was like the only one among them crying.

Pulling away from Xavier briefly, I ran to them as fast as I could in these dress and heels, and hugged them all in the biggest hug I could manage. "I love you bitches," I choked out, grinning even though they couldn't see it.

"You've just been married, and already the fourth word out of your mouth is 'bitch'," Daniella laughed sarcastically.

"100% pure bitch," Zee emphasized, looking pretty even with the tears messing up her make up. Alyssa laughed, trying to hold back her crying, and Ally was just laughing with her trademark red face.

Before mine could leak out, I pulled back from them with the promise to catch them all later, and ran back to my husband to walk out with him and accept congratulations and laughs and more tears as a very, very happy, very, very ecstatic Mr and Mrs. Xavier.

No, it's not over yet!

You know, I really hoped I managed to capture how happy they were :/

Warning before the next chapter, it's an R-rated scene because I lost a bet, so I'll just tell you here and now that they go to Paris for their honeymoon, and then later they have two kids, Carissa and Julien. PS: Julien is not the Julien Marcus in Thanks to Music, I just like that name. And, it's been privated, thanks to Wattpad O.o

Sorry short chapter, will update soon! :)

 Melissa Benoist as Ally --->

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