The Past

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One day Steven was playing Lonely Blade with Red. Au: Yes for this story we are just going to call Red Spinel, Red.

"Yes! I won!" Steven cheered

"Good job Steven." Red said smiling

"Hey Red...." Steven said looking concerned

"Yes Steven?" Red asked

"Where'd you come from?" Steven asked

"Well.... It's a very long story...." Red said awkwardly

Steven ran toward the tv, turned it off and then ran back over and sat next to Red.

"Story for Steven!" He cheered

Red sighed "Fine, I will tell you."

"Yay!" Steven said smiling

"Well, my mother was a gem and my dad was a human. My mom's name was Red Spinel and my dad's name was Alex. My mom knew your mom. They both fought in the war together. A 1,000 years later after the war my mom met Alex and that was when Rose Quartz also met Greg. Well, my mom and dad fell in love and then 2 years later I was born. But my mom gave up her physical form just like your mom had to Steven. But when I turned 14 years old my dad gave me to the Crystal Gems so then they could take care of me and then my dad left me. I had no mom and no father. I was alone. So I became very depressed so I took my mother's name so then I would not be so depressed anymore. But after you were born Steven I was captured by my mom's old diamond: Yellow Diamond. When you turned 12 I finally escaped and ran toward Earth again. Then, Garnet found me here in Beach City and asked if I'd like to come home and join the Crystal Gems again. And yet I did and now I am here." Red explained

"Wow! That's super sad to not have a mom or a dad...." Steven said

"Don't worry about it Steven. There are better things to worry about." Red said smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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