My Last Goodbye

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I have no reason to live.

There things i've done, you just can't forgive.

I'm sure they're not bad in your eyes;

but in my mind, my life was lies.

I'm just too scared of losing what matters to me most,

and after tonight, I sincerely hope I'm not a ghost.

Life the first time was bad enough;

having to roam earth for eternity would be more than tough.

I just want to sleep,

forever; so I will never have to weep.

I am giving up, just quitting.

Are you glad that I am finally admitting

how I have felt every single day, since the moment I was born?

But i'm kind of scared- i'm torn.

Torn between life and death,

between living in pain or taking my last breath.

So be happy, and please don't cry;

This is my last goodbye.

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