I hope things go my way

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*Jon's POV* 

i had spoke my piece and so had Grace (i don't think ive mentioned Lexi's mums name before, i can't remember if  i have oh well, its grace now) its now time for colby and joe and dave to speak while some one went off to talk to Lex

''Colby, what is Jon like with Lexi around'' the judge asked

''he's like a super dad, honestly he cares so much for that little girl he would give up his whole job if he had to just for her'' colby said it was true i would if i got asked its the job or lexi i would choose lexi everytime

''would you say Lexi is happy?'' the judge pressed on with his questions

''very happy, first time i met her she was a shy little girl now she's so out of her shell its amazing how much she's changed for the good now she's with Jon''


he asked Joe the same questions and joe basically gave the same answers and colby but a little different now it was Dave's turn, i knew the questions would be different because of who dave was and how much he helped lexi

''Dave, so you helped lexi and cared for lexi a lot before this thing happened?'' 

''yes i did'' 

''and would you say lexi has changed now she's with jon?'' he asked

'' very much so, the other day when the landed back here jon brought her over to meet up with us and she seems so much happier then she did before and im glad she's happy and if you do one thing right then you will let Jon keep her, because i've seen the change in her when she first meet her dad she came back to me with a massive smile on her face and when she found out jon was taking her home she bounced so much, she's ten and should be happy and her dad is what makes her happy''

during dave's questions a woman came in with a lot of paper, i think she was the one talking to lexi, the judge finished off his questions to Dave and started reading what the woman had gave him

''right so we have spoke to everyone from Jon's side and heard what they have to say, grace is there anyone here to speak up for you?''

''no'' was all grace said

''right'' he nodded and carried on reading what was on the paper

''well Lexi, has made it very clear who she wants to stay with me and my workers are going to talk for a few minutes if you could all just stay seated and wait we will be back with who is the legal parent of Lexi'' the judge stood up and left his seat leaving us all wondering who will win the fight of Lexi Good.

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