See It Through Her Eyes *On Hold*

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Aziza walked down the road, her eyes swelled with tears. Her stained cheeks, reddened with anger. It was the second time someone made fun of her because she wore a  head scarf. She should have listened to her mother when she said wearing the head scarf was to much for her at the age of thirteen. But that was two years ago, so it didn't matter.

"Aziza! Aziza, please wait up!" 

She knew it was Nick, one of the boys in her class but at that moment she didn't care. She continued moving hastily as the tear drops hit the ground. 

He grabbed her hand, "stop crying Aziza. Don't let them over power you like that. Stand up for your religion." 

Aziza just looked away. She couldn't handle it. Everywhere she went people made snarky remarks about her, and to her face on top of that. 

"Every teardrop's a waterfall..." Nick sang as he wiped her tear away.

"Please stop quoting Coldplay lyrics," Aziza said with a small smile as Nick let go of her hand.

"You don't like Coldplay?" he said as his eyebrows went up in shock.

Aziza giggled, "they're okay but...not the kind of music I like"

"Okay fine, imagine me quoting music you like" he chuckled. 

Aziza smiled, "I have to go Nick. It's time for prayers and I have to look after my sister and brother."

"Bye Aziza!"


"Aadil stop throwing your food on the floor!" Aziza yelled as she held her two year old sister in her arms. "Can't you see I'm trying to put Hawa to sleep!" 

The lights flickered in their tiny house, the walls broken and their clothes tattered.

"Allah hu Allah...Allah hu Allah..."six  year old Aadil sang softly to Hawa as she turned in her sleep.

Aziza looked up from her homework which was all over the bed. It was so nice to see Aadil fall asleep singing to Hawa.

"When's papa coming?" he asked quietly. 

"In a few hours, now take a nap. You look sleepy," Aziza said as she got back to writing notes on plant cells.

"And mama?" he asked as he curled into a little ball on the bed.

"Mama's not coming..." Aziza said in a very soft voice so he wouldn't hear her as she tried to hold back her tears.

"They've locked her up" she said as she sniffled softly.

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