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"Guys, can we leave? It's getting kind of late." Cameron exclaims a little too loudly, his exasperation echoing a few others in the group.

"What, are you scared?" teases Jason and proceeds to grin his crooked smile, adding another dimension to his jester-like facade.

"You're crak." Cameron rolls his eyes and struts in a pompous demeanor to Ms.McKays room, averting his eyes from the smirking faces of his friends. Of course he's a little, well, nervous per se, but who isn't? Cameron is damn sure that Jason is just as uneasy as he is. Hands clenched, he kicks out at a nearby chair, toppling it over. Irritated, he then snatches his backpack up off the floor of the chaotic room, not bothering; again, to pick up the knick knacks he sent flying across the already-littered carpet. Nearing the exit of the classroom he abruptly halts. What if they do happen to run into danger? Cameron forces his thoughts to the side, for he is being silly and paranoid. Or is he?

Cameron deliberately swivels on his heel, facing the back of the dimly lit class. There's only one boy working on one of the computers in the back, apparently too focused to clamor against Cameron's brief outburst.

"Yo, Brennan," Cameron begins, hoping to come off as nonchalant as possible, "do you have any knives on you that I can borrow?"

Brennan's eyes narrow, searching Cameron's face for deception. Brennan is tall for his age, Cameron considers. Perhaps even a little too tall, notes Cameron, for if Brennan's answer is 'no', he'll feel slightly less thick to have been so laughably unlike himself to have asked Brennan for help in the first place. Finally, after hard contemplation, Brennan spoke, and with his words came an impossible to miss air of reluctance.

"I have two in my pocket. You can borrow one, I guess," his eyes narrow further, and Cameron wonders if he can even see, "but I want it back by Monday. Don't break it." Brennan put a considerable amount of weight on the last three words which relieves some of Cameron's worry. It's almost as though everything is normal. It's almost as though there aren't supposed hordes of the undead terrorizing cities a mere thousand or so kilometers away from us.

Cameron grabs the knife from Brennan's outstretched hand, thanks him, and makes his way back to the bright, open main hall, enthralled by the boisterous laughter and cheers of his friends. He chants the phrase 'They will all be okay. I will be okay. Everything is fine and will continue to be fine. There's nothing to be worried about." a few times in his head, takes a deep breath, and joins the inviting crowd.

"If we're late for skating it's on you, Jason."

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